On our way

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Varian's P.O.V.

I woke up confused. What am I doing here? In my room in the castle? Why am I here?

But my confustion only lasted for five seconds. Then all of the memories of last day flooded into my mind.

I got out of my bed. I have to get ready. Last night we diceded to go after her as fast as we could. Lance had told Quirin in his way to his treehouse.

We didn't want to tell the whole Corona just yet, so it was me, Raps, Eugene and Quirin.

To be honest, it was hard for me to face him but I had to go. I know it wasn't my fault, but I felt guilty because of her.

After last night and remembering Cass, I couldn't help but to feel guilty. I'm going to fix it for her now! Everything is going to be okay.

I sighted, Not beliving my own words.

I got ready and headed down. Raps had told her parents about it so they watch over Corona as she was gone.

We ate breakfast in silence. I felt uneasy. They all gave me side looks, thinking I won't see them. I couldn't eat much.

We would probably reach there 'till afternoon. Everything was ready.

We went outside. Quirin was waiting there. Raps, being Raps, said Hi in a kind way, while giving him a knowing smile. He  returned the favor.

Eugene, was a diffrent story. He just whispered Hello while passing him.

I just nodded. Not knowing what would come out of my mouth, if I open it.

We just get on our horses and started our trip. To be honest, I was kinda exited. Quirin has a brother and daughter! And I was about to meet them!

Also alittle nerves. What if the girl throw up? What if she get the same way as cass? What if she go further? What if I can't stop her?

Tons of "what if"s in my mind. The questions I couldn't answer. I just tried my best but still, nothing was for sure. I hadn't even met them once for goodness sake!

'Well, at least there isn't any magicall opal anymore. And Jerico is a noble! So she must be fine.'

I reasured myself and continiued my way.


[A/N: Wanna get to the point? See where on earth they are going? Get to know more about my OCs? Well, if yes, you are right there!]

Adrian's P.O.V.

I was on the floor. Tear and blood every where. I could feel the whip cut through my back's flesh and blood run down my back, painting the floor.

'Thirty seven'

I counted in my mind as the whip make another painfull contact with my back.

On the floor, tears rolling down my cheeks, blood running down my back, shouts ringing in my ear, with grited teeth, I was wondering when would he stop.


First, Please don't kill me!
I know you probably didn't expected this and now you are confused, but wait and you'll figure it out.
Also, I'm shocked myself that I get out two none-planed chapter in one day. Actully, I haven't planned anything after chapter two. Just some small parts.
Anyway, I hoped you've liked it!

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