Chapter 4 - Bow to the King

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Three unfamiliar women were running around me, fixing my tie, hair and suit. I looked into the mirror, having a stranger stare back at me. I wasn't looking into my own eyes, even though I didn't even know who I was. But now, I was looking at the alpha, the face of the black moon pack, a ruthless murder and one of the most powerful man in the world. I didn't know if I liked him or not, he was simply not me. But for today and the rest of my life, I had to put on this mask and be that person. My last hour of being who I really was had begun, but I had already said my goodbyes over the years, as I lost more and more of myself along the way. 

There was a knock on the door and before I could even ask that person to step inside, the door already opened, revealing my uncle. "They are waiting. You know, we are on a tight schedule here. The light can just be summoned for a short period of time" he said and I nodded. Normally, the process of earning the alpha title would be alongside my father, who would give over his powers, but due to him being...well dead, this coronation would be a bit different and required a certain kind of priest, that could bring back that power, even from the afterlife, handing it over to me. 

"I will be out in a minute" I said and Edwardo rolled his eyes, which, of course, I could see, due to the mirror and he probably knew that. He stepped outside, closing the door behind himself. Just as the women were about to start working again, I lifted my hand, stopping them. "You may leave" I said and hesitantly, the women nodded, retreating out of the room, leaving me alone. My last minute in freedom. I sighed, stepping away from the mirror to not depress myself even more. I took a seat, ruffling my fingers through my hair, not only to sooth myself, but also, I didn't like what they had done to my blonde locks. 

Yes I was supposed to appear mature and intimidating, but honestly, the title alone should do that. Not the way I wore my hair or what color my tie was. I was alpha, simple as that. The guests had started arriving yesterday and there were a lot. All around the world we had packs bowing down to mine and their Alphas and Lunas had come to make a good first impression with me. Some had brought their daughters in hope that Cecilia wasn't my mate but they were. Maybe my mate was waiting out there for me, maybe not. Honestly, she was the least of my problems. I was even hoping on never ever finding her, so I wouldn't have to deal with the stress of maybe having to kill her. It was surly expected of me. 

Just as I was taking my last breaths in freedom, the bell ran, signaling for me to enter the hall, where the coronation was held. He just couldn't give me one minute, right? But there was no arguing with Edwardo now, so I sighed, standing up and walking towards the door, grabbing the handle. The second I would walk out of this room, my life would be over. I would just be alpha and nothing else, ever again. I wouldn't be Asher De Marco, who ever that might be. From now on all people would see was the dangerous alpha of the Black Moon Pack. There was a lump in my throat, but I didn't know why. I exhaled, turning the handle, before walking out of the room and into my new life. 

I entered the hall and immediately, the whole room, with about 4 000 werewolves in it, stood up, turning around to face me. I felt like a bride walking down the isle and it ironically was actually pretty similar to that. At a wedding in the older, arranged-marriage-days, a woman said goodbye to her freedom, leaving behind the old 'her', before getting handed over to a man that should be the task of her life. That was how I felt, except I was a man and there was nobody I was given to. Something was given to me, but I felt just as imprisoned. 

I cleared my throat, walking down the isle and towards the priest, that was waiting for me to give me my final powers and position as alpha. It was funny, how today we celebrated me becoming alpha, not my 18th birthday. Nobody cared about that part, but to be honest, it really had little to no meaning compared to becoming alpha. I reached the front and the priest bowed to me, submitting to my position. I nodded, signaling him that he could stand up, before the man pointed at the microphone at the front of the stairs, where I should hold my speech. I hadn't prepared anything and I felt the crumbled up piece of paper in the pockets of my pants, which my uncle had slipped me, as he had visited me earlier that day. 

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