Chapter 45 - Begging for you

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The sudden attack from behind almost made me extend my claws, until the sweet smell of lavender and pine trees brushed my nose and those aggressive hands turned into the soft feathery touch of my mate, who easily turned me around, pressing his lips against mine. I hummed in surprise, but who was I to deny my mate and so I let myself fall into the kiss, holding Riley's cheeks, but when I tried pulling away, he held me close by my neck, making me chuckle. 

"Wow, that was an...interesting greeting. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked, as Riley giggled. He normally was a bit more secretive, not just with me, but he and Sawyer had rarely kissed in public and especially a kiss like the one we had just shared a little heated for the school's parking lot at 8 am, but who was I to complain? I guess not seeing me for 12 hours or so must have been harder on Riley than I thought and I would be lying if I said this greeting wasn't exactly what I had dreamed about all night long. 

"Can't a guy kiss his mate?" he shrugged with a happy grin, as he reached for my hand, intertwining it with his. I chuckled, before leaning down, kissing his cheek and his addicting scent flared my nostrils. "He sure can" I smiled, before we walked into school together, which I now realized would be the first time, we would so publicly dispose our relationship. Well, if you forget about my speech to three thousand wolves. But we had never before shown what we meant to one another in school. Because first of all my pack couldn't know before and Riley wanted to protect Sawyer from getting hurt.

But the pack knew now and apparently, my mate didn't want to be held back by his ex anymore, which surprised me, but in a pleasant way. I loved holding his hand in public and seeing him smile, knowing that he loved it just as much. It meant that he belonged to me, that I would keep him safe. And that no other guy or girl would make their move, as they knew he was spoken for, at least for now. I walked my mate to his locker, which felt like I was in any cringe teenager movie ever, but actually, I just wanted to spend some more time with him and mine wasn't too far away anyway. 

But the second we reached the locker, Riley pulled me down to him by my collar, smashing his lips against mine again, as he hummed in approval of feeling my lips against his once more. I didn't mind kissing him at all, I loved it more than anything, but again, Riley wasn't one for public affection, so I was surprised. "Well somebody is a bit touchy today" I stated with a smile, as we pulled away and Riley opened his locker. "I guess I'm just happy" he smiled with a carefree shrug, getting some of his books and I took some as well, because I wanted to carry them for him. 

"And you do look ridiculously hot so...don't blame me, blame your genes" he said, biting his lip, as he looked me up and down and I raised my eyebrows with an amused smile dancing on my lips, because whoa. 

"By the looks of it I should be thanking them" I chuckled and Riley grinned, closing his locker, before we made our way to his first class, which he didn't have with me, like almost all of them thanks to our petty feud we still had at the beginning of the school year. I was glad to see my mate this happy, especially considering how hard the past few days had been on him. The way he had cried in my arms, begging me to make it stop, the way he had just stared into nothingness, not even really there and with me anymore...yeah it was incredibly great to see him smile again and it made me happy as well. 

"Sooo...I was kind of about tomorrow we could have dinner with my family...maybe even Pax, Cecilia and Lynton, seen as they are basically your family...I mean we don't have to, but I think it could be nice since we are now really official" Riley shrugged with a small smile on his lips, as if he was afraid I would be completely turned off by the idea of bringing the people who are closest to us in our lives together, but actually, I quite liked the idea. Daniel would be a part of the pack soon anyway, might as well get to know some of them and the packhouse, right? And Riley's family was very important to him so...I knew this would make him even happier. 

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