Chapter 53 - Special Occasion

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We arrived at the hotel, which was a beautiful big white victorian building. Riley was grinning at me, the excitement visible and I felt happy. I parked the car and immediately a bunch of staff members, or at least I hoped that was who they were and we weren't about to get robbed, ran our way, welcoming us and taking our luggage. That's when I knew, that this hotel was fancy fancy. I wondered where Riley had gotten the money from to do all of this, but for once I decided not to question it, maybe they had a good deal or something. 

"May I take that hand luggage sir?" one of the men asked me, as I had of course taken one of the bags out of the trunk, because I didn't see why we couldn't just carry our stuff ourselves and I stared at the man a little confused, not understanding what I should do now. I was used to people running around me, trying to please me, I mean, I was an alpha after all, but they still knew, that I was strong and capable of taking care of myself, so nobody had ever asked me to help me carry my stuff or something. 

"Yes, thank you very much" Riley smiled for me, since I wasn't answering, before he gently took that bag out of my hand and giving it to the slightly confused man, as the rest of the staff already hurried inside, carrying our bags. My mate hugged my arm, as we started walking towards the big entrance and after them, as I leaned down to him, whispering "Have you been to a place like this before?" I had never really stayed in a hotel before...the only trips I ever took were to Italy and there we had our own houses, so I wasn't used to any of this...

"Nope, but I always wanted to" Riley smiled, before kissing my cheek and I immediately forgot all my troubles and concerns as his touch calmed me down. God I loved this boy. We walked into the big hotel and it actually looked pretty astounding...It seemed to be pretty old, but it looked like they were taking good care of the place. The doors to the building were wooden, but with golden door knobs, making it look just as fancy as the rest of the hotel. "Wow" Riley breathed when we entered the main hall and the big chandelier greeted us, as well as the marble floors and old beautiful armchairs. Riley let go of my arm suddenly and I looked down at him a little confused. He loved to hold my hand and I loved to hold his, so why did he want to put some space between us?

"There are so many old people here...I just don't wanna get hate-crimed" Riley shrugged as if it was logical and I was a little very stunned. Now, I was fairly new to the whole being with another man thing, but Riley, he had done it since he was fifteen years old...and had he always tried to hide Sawyer as well, just so he would not disturb old homophobes?? I didn't want to start an argument with him about this, well not an argument, but I thought it was silly, that we couldn't hold hands, just so other people wouldn't get enraged. But even for that this wasn't the time, so I swallowed my pride, even if it was hard. 

"Good day, how may I help you?" the lady at the reception asked, smiling at Riley, who decided to take the lead, as he stepped forward and I thought that was kinda cute...I liked when he had a plan and knew what he wanted. And also, this was his whole idea, he planned this for the two of us, so it made sense. I stood a little behind him, now completely unsure of what was ok to do and if I was even allowed to stand next to him of if he also didn't want that, so I kept my distance. "Hi, Riley Perry, I made a reservation for the Rockefeller Suite for tonight?" he asked and the lady nodded with a nice smile, before handing him some stuff he was supposed to fill out. 

I didn't even really listen, as I looked around, feeling a bit out of place, especially now that I knew, that some of the people here would not like me, if they knew one small information about me, which was who I loved. But if it meant Riley's comfort, fine, I would do so. This was a really fancy place and I felt a bit like a sugar baby getting taken on a nice vacation, thought I would never call Riley my sugar daddy, no that thought just made me laugh uncontrollably and Dixon had to burst out laughing as well. Yeah if anything, he was my sugar baby, but he also wasn't that. I was so lost in thoughts, I didn't even realize, that I was being talked to. "Sir? I need your passport or ID card as well" the woman smiled and I had completely forgotten about her. 

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