Chapter 50 - The old man and the hooker

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I was exhausted. Like, so exhausted, that I could have fallen asleep that second and slept for a year straight. The heat had started four days ago and I was completely wrecked. Especially since Riley had the energy of a kid on red bull, when another wave hit him so...that was a lot. 

I tried to be there for him as much as I could and make this heat as bearable and enjoyable as imaginable for him. But it wasn't that easy for me. Because when I wasn't making Riley cum excessively and trying to control myself, I was feeding him, giving him enough water and letting him sleep, all of which I got to do only myself in these past few days. I mean, I ate, a lot and tried to drink as much water as possible, to not dehydrate, but sleep was not something I was given much. 

Because whenever Riley did sleep and I would have the chance to do so as well, I only ever slept for an hour or so, just so I wouldn't enter the deep sleep state and loose control over myself and my desires. I just didn't trust my instincts to not take over and lean into Riley's touch, when we were laying in bed and he was cuddling in my arms, the fireball of heat that he was. I knew that if I would get a whiff off his addicting heat scent, my hands might start wandering to places they shouldn't go and when I would wake up, I would still be too sleepy to control myself and stop what I would already be doing, so no, I didn't allow myself to fall asleep that easily. 

I could handle the sleep deprivation, I had done it all my childhood and it was nothing to me, but pleasuring Riley and holding back, that was...yeah it drained a lot of my energy. But the only important thing was Riley and his release, that would help him feel and think clearly at least for a few minutes or hours, in which he even managed to care for me, getting the food from the other side of the door to our suite or a glass of water, because he knew how exhausting all of this was for me and I was so thankful to have him. 

Sure, you could argue, that just because he was in heat I was this exhausted, but it wasn't his fault. Anybody who would have become my mate would have had to face the heat and maybe would have not been so considerate, so I was once again glad, that Riley was the one for me. He even let me sleep when we had managed another wave together and knew that the next one would start in about two hours, as he would sit in the living room, managing for once without me, just so I could rest. So that was nice. 

But nevertheless I was exhausted. The blue pills helped, I could feel, that Riley wasn't in so much discomfort as he had been the first evening the heat had started, but they couldn't stop it completely. I knew that Riley was just as exhausted as I was, but he always argued, that he wasn't the one controlling himself, so I had it worse, which I would argue against if I had the energy for it. And it wasn't all bad, truly. 

It was exhausting, sure, but who didn't like pleasuring their mate? And watching Riley cum repeatedly, begging for me and only me, oh wow, yeah, that was a nice side effect of this situation. I loved watching him squirm beneath me, on top of me, or in whatever position we were in. Riley also begged me to let him take care of me, but I told him we would have to wait a few more days, until the heat would start dying down or else we would start something we did not want to finish, at least not in that way and at the moment. 

Right now, I was sitting at the dinner table with Riley, eating some chicken and rice the cook had prepared for us and enjoying the last few minutes we had, before his next wave would hit him. But by the way he was grinning at me and his feet were rubbing against mine under the table, he was already about to enter a new wave of heat, we would get through together in the most pleasurable way possible. 

"You know...I still have one small surprise I brought with me from my home for the night after dinner that never...well really happened or not in the way I had planned to. But it could be fun now" Riley said, wiping his mouth with the napkin, before walking around the table and I already knew what he wanted me to do, so I pulled my chair back a bit, so Riley could sit down on my lap, which he did. He loved to sit there, not only during the heat but also before that and I loved having him there, where he was close and I could protect him. 

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