Chapter 64 - Bonus Chapter One

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Riley's POV

I loved the view out of the windows of our house...even now, after living here for over four years, I would never grow tired of it. It didn't matter what mood I was in or what I was doing, but the moment I looked out of these big windows, I was at peace. Even now, that I was sitting at my small desk, that I used to get some work done at home, working through another file of a patient, I felt at peace. I wasn't an official therapist, at least not in the human world, for that I would have had to do many years of college away from Asher and I didn't want that. But I studied for three years online and now I was a part-time therapist for the pack, while I still tried to be their luna. 

I watched the forest in front of the house and spotted the place, where I had married Asher. I just always felt so at home here, how could I concentrate on my laptop before me? I knew I should get this thing done now, but the dark green of the woods mixing together with this cloudy day...I just loved it and I couldn't help, but losing myself in the view. It was just so peaceful, I could have stayed in this dream of mine forever, if not a loud and annoyed groan came from Asher, making me turn around to see what was up. 

"Why did you let me do this again?? Why Riley??" Asher whined, trying to button up his shirt over his pregnant belly, giving up and letting his hands fall to his sides in surrender. 

And he was only in the seventh month and was already this grumpy. If I remembered back to when we got closer to Harvey's birth and how moody Asher had gotten, I didn't want to find out how he would act once he was in the ninth moth. I couldn't blame him, I didn't want to carry around a seven pound baby in my stomach for nine months, I was thankful that he was doing this for us, really! I admired him, actually, so I would never ever actually complain about him not being a ray of sunshine all the time. 

I closed my laptop, because my husband was more important right now, before I got up and walked towards him, just as he sat down on the edge of the bed, groaning in misery. His belly was already pretty big and so I kneeled down in front of him, before gently buttoned up his shirt for him, which was getting a little tight, but he was too stubborn to actually put his maternity clothes on. 

"Hey I didn't make you! You were the one who suggested another baby after Harvey" I said, finishing up his shirt for him and I knew Asher hated being this helpless more than the actual pregnancy with all its negative effects, like the morning sickness or even the birth. I mean, he would again get a C-section, but it was still no fun for him and so scary, but also exciting for me. At Harvey's birth, I had tried to be the one with the cool head, but actually, I had been so close to fainting or having a heart attack, I tell you. Asher had been way calmer than me and he had been the one in pain. 

"Well you should have tried to discourage me from doing this again. Jesus Fuck, I'm useless! I can't hunt, I can't fight...I can't even button up my own god damn shirt. And I also can't satisfy you" he said, really bugged by all of this. He fell back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, bathing in his misery. I knew he was genuinely annoyed by that. He always thought about my needs and pleasure first. In bed, Asher was the best lover I could have ever even imagined and of course now he couldn't really fuck me, since  there was something in the way and that kind of excessive activities could not be too god for the baby. I laid down next to him but on my side, gently placing a hand on his stomach. It calmed me, even though this baby kicked a lot more than Harvey did. 

"Asher, I'm very satisfied. And I'm no animal, I can hold back for two months, don't you think? I'm not the one who is suffering here" I said with a weak smile, gently stroking a bit over his belly. Asher groaned, obviously not satisfied with that answer. I knew he hated appearing this weak and useless, which he really wasn't. I mean for fucks sake, he was carrying our child! AND he was still trying to be the perfect Alpha and part of the high council, that he had vowed to be. Just because he couldn't really fuck my brains out for a few months, did not mean that he wasn't the man I married, which was the strongest one I have ever met. 

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