Chapter 10 - Blood thirst

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"They are demanding action Asher!" my uncle urged, making me clench my jaw. Last night, after I came home from school, the same day Riley had...whatever it was that had happened to him there, I was cornered by my uncle, who told me, that one of the packs that is under our control, refused to pay this months rate and even killed one of our men who wanted to...persuade them to do it. Yes...I didn't like the idea of doing anything to that pack, they were literally just tired of getting oppressed, but I knew if I wouldn't do something, anything to get my respect back, more packs would start rebelling, which would end in everybody's death, including Cecilia's, Pax's Lynton's and mine. 

"I don't want to kill that pack just for taking one man's life, who knew how dangerous his task was. What else do you have in mind?" I asked, my tone cold. I had told him, that I needed a day to think about it, so here we were, in my office and I hadn't come to a solution yet. I hated the thought of wiping out a whole pack, even though I was trained to do exactly that, when the time would come and now, apparently, was that time. My uncle sighed, sitting back in his seat, obviously frustrated with me.

"Asher look, we both know we have to do something or they will all turn against us. And this man, he was one of us! He had a family and one of your warriors is his son! Don't you want justice for your own people? Because that is what they are demanding" Edwardo said, being a little too persistent for my taste. 

"We will not kill the pack. End of discussion" I retorted and my uncle groaned, standing up and walking over to the little bar on wheels, my father had left behind, pouring himself a whiskey. I hated that thing, because when I would have to sit in this room, listening to the adults talking about killing innocent people, they often got drunk and it was not...there were no nice memories for me being in a room with four to sometimes 20 drunk men. But fine, for now the wagon could stay. I would like to tear this whole house down anyway, but for now, I don't think my pack would appreciate that big of a change so close after my parents death. 

"You know, the only other option we have, is killing the people responsible for that" Edwardo said and I tensed up at that. It was something unspoken, but even I knew, that this was our only option. I didn't like the idea of anybody dying, but better those people than my friends and family, right? I also had the strong urge to survive all of the sudden, but only since I found out about Riley. I cared for that human, a lot, obviously, and especially since yesterday, when I saw how much he- no, I needed to protect him, to be there for him, I couldn't lose my life and risk him getting hurt. 

"I will think about it. Ask me again tomorrow evening, when I come back from training. Until then, goodbye Edwardo" I spoke, turning around to look out the big windows. It had something calming, just watching the woods, if there wasn't this thought stuck in my head, that my father sat in exactly this seat, planning another slaughter. I mean, I would have to do that as well at some point, but that made it only the more unpleasing. I heard my uncles footsteps walking towards the door, but he stopped once more. Of course he did. 

"When will you finally grow up and be the man your father has raised you to be? This pack will only respect you as their alpha when you start acting like one" he said and before I could even turn around and growl at him, I already heard the door shut. Cowardly piece of trash. His words though hit a little too close to home. Even though I wasn't too found of my parents, I always craved my fathers approval. Nothing was ever good enough for him, but hearing my uncle confirm, that my father wouldn't be proud of me, stung. 

I was left alone in this cold and empty office with the worst feeling I had experienced since the separation pain with Riley. I knew I wasn't acting like the alpha I should be, but I was still figuring things out with my mate and it was hard to think of anything else but him, when he was still out there, unclaimed and possibly still hating me. My father would have told me to kill him days ago. But no, that was the only aspect I would not follow my dead fathers wishes. I could not harm Riley in any way shape or form. Never. 

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