Chapter 62 - The End

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"You are not pregnant Mister Perry" the pack doctor announced as he took the little thing, that was attached to the ultrasound machine, away, before cleaning the gel off of Riley's stomach with a paper towel. 

"Really??" both me and Riley exclaimed, our voices filled with hope. I mean, I definitely didn't hope for a miscarriage, but...we weren't ready for kids yet and maybe Riley didn't even want to bear a child himself, just because he suddenly could. If he would have wanted to get rid of it, I would have not held him back, though it was harder for a wolf. But we would have definitely needed to make a very difficult decision and now, we didn't, apparently?

"Yes. You never were pregnant, so there is no need to worry. The cramping was probably just stress mixed together with his muscles being bruises from the impact of getting kicked, but it is nothing to worry about and definitely no miscarriage " the doctor smiled, taking off his gloves and taking a little clipboard, writing something down on it. 

"Wow...oh thank fucking god!!" Riley exclaimed, throwing his head back on the treatment table and I let mine fall onto his stomach, groaning in relief and making him chuckle, as his hands found my hair. Yes I was relieved because he was ok! He wasn't in a life threatening situation anymore. "You're ok" I breathed, looking up at him and Riley sat up, kissing my cheek. "You are such a baby, I was never in danger to begin with. See? I told you I wasn't...pregnant. Even though it's apparently possible now...which still freaks me out, very very much so" he said, brushing over my cheek and I couldn't blame him, because I was just as freaked out as he was. 

"Actually, you can't get pregnant Mister Perry" the doctor interfered, getting both of our attentions. 

"Wait...what?? But the elders said, that males could form a womb as well if mated to another man. Was that all a lie? Because, I have been worried sick these past few days and nearly died of a heart attack! I though he was pregnant! Do you know what I went through these past few days??" I exclaimed, before I noticed my mistake and quickly looked at Riley. "Oh no! No I mean, I was worried about you! I mean, if you were pregnant and would have wanted to keep it, I would have supported you, I would, but-" I rambled, digging my own grave only deeper. 

"Relax Asher I would have I don't know if I would have been ready for that. But wait really? Did the elders lie to you??" he asked and the doctor shook his head.

"No, its true. Males forming a cervix and the reproductive organs of a female when they are paired with another man are extremely common. But you are a hybrid Mister Perry. The chances of you being one of those men would have been fifty fifty. But when I took your ultrasound just now, I couldn't find any kind of womb of any form. Not small or big. Mister Perry, I'm sorry to tell you this, but your body is only fully functioning in it's male, hybrid form. You will never be able to conceive" the doctor said and I nervously glanced at Riley. 

Sure he didn't think all of his life, that he would bear a child with his partner and that himself, but maybe in that split minute he thought he could be pregnant, he had grown found of the idea and wanted that to happen at least at some point. I watched him and I feared he would be disappointed, but thankfully, that didn't happen. 

"Oh thank god!! Oh thank you, thank god. I'm sorry Asher, I love you and I know we've talked about having kids someday, but I don't know if I could have done it myself...maybe eventually, but I don't think I would be good with carrying a child. And we would have to fuck with a condom from now on I just- no I'm very relieved, I'm so sorry I- Are you ok?" Riley asked, nervously looking at me and I was surprised that he even asked that. Was I ok? I mean, I had lived with the idea of my mate being pregnant for two days now, or even the that it couldn't happen, was I ok? 

"Of course I am. This is your body Ri and even if you could have conceived, that wouldn't have meant we would have to do it. We will find other ways to have children someday. There are a lot of kids out there, who would love to get adopted by us and maybe we could find a surrogate. We have lived with the idea of finding our kids elsewhere most of the time, so we will survive" I said, brushing over his hair and Riley smiled at me, looking glad. 

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