Chapter 13 - The battle of mates

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Riley had glared at me like he had never done before this whole week. And it sucked. It sucked so much, I was honestly a depressed and angry mess. Because nothing I did seemed to help with the situation. When I would give him space, he literally searched for a fight and would walk by very closely, just to show how much he hated me. When I would try to do something nice, he would make fun of me and even when I wasn't in school, I could sense how displeased he was. And honestly, it was starting to piss me off. 

I mean, he was my mate, I would never ever get actually mad at him, maybe, but by the way he was acting, I was seriously considering just giving up on him. It was like I couldn't win with him. I had asked my friends about it and Cecilia was just getting more pissed off by him, while Pax was shit at giving me useful advice and Lynton seemed as lost as I was. I just didn't want this to escalate even more, but whatever 'nice thing' I did, Riley always found a way to make it appear as a bad one, even though that was never my intention. 

And then there was all the shit in my pack...After the attack, The white claw pack, one of the 'good packs' who acted in the name of the supernatural council and wanted all of our species to just live together in harmony and peace, contacted me, asking for a meeting. The alpha, Jasper Sutton was an obnoxious jerk, who always tried to act like he was so much better than my family, while he himself wasn't even a naturally born alpha. He only took that position after his brother, the true alpha, was killed and he, as the beta, had to take the position. 

Now I wasn't big fan of that pack, but then again, they were very powerful and I was not in the mood to attack another pack, so I accepted, but only if he and his beta would come alone and unarmed to our territory. After what happened with my parents, I would not go around making the same mistakes as them. Today they would arrive to discuss whatever it was, that they wanted me to do and my pack was not happy about it. I mean, the general public didn't care, but especially Pax and Cecilia always hated them. Pax had this unspoken feud with Jasper, since he, well dressed, nice and able to talk formally seemed to always look down on Pax, who appeared to be more...simple. 

"I still don't understand why we are even talking to them!" Pax growled, pacing around in my office and making even me nervous now. I mean, nothing would happen, they were alone and unarmed, so the worst that could happen was them declaring war and not making it out of my territory alive. I sighed, getting out of my chair to be at the same height as my beta, who seemed like he wanted to kill somebody and that was an actual threat. 

"Me. I'm going to meet them, not you. And I have to meet them, because we can not risk making any more enemies than we already have! I will just hear them out and what they have to say to me, who knows, maybe its something good?" I offered, but Pax scoffed, shaking his head. 

"And why can't I be in the room with you?? You need me, I'm your beta! Sutton is bringing his, so why can't I stay??" Pax asked, as I was refilling my glass with water, trying to calm my nerves. I already had so much on my plate, this stupid fight with Pax was getting on my nerves, although I understood where he was coming from. I used to also hate the White Claw Pack, still did and would have reacted as hot-headed as Pax before I was alpha, but now I had a pack to protect and making deals or at least no enemies, was very much a part of that. 

"Because you will offend them and then we have to go to war, which we are not ready for right now. So please, they are coming any minute now, go home, rest and I will see you tomorrow at school" I ordered and Pax clenched his jaw, probably debating if he should punch that glass window of mine, but I would seriously hate that. Not that he would break it, but probably his hand and even though that would heal in a few days, I would still have to deal with a wounded Pax, which was never fun. 

"Alright, but if anything's sketchy, you call me, ok?" he asked and I chuckled, nodding my head. Reluctantly, Pax left the packhouse and ran home, where he belonged. At least one of us would finally have some rest for now. I waited a bit longer, just thinking about...well yeah, Riley, obviously and how to handle the situation. It was just very frustrating, that just touching his hand had landed me at square one again. I wanted to move forward not backwards and I had no idea how to fix this...

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