Chapter 39 - A killer in the sheets

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A lot of people had something to say to me after the speech. Like A LOT a lot. Most of them were kids I went to school with, people from my class, some of my newly appointed selsas, warriors and omegas and they all came to congratulate me and Riley, who stayed by my side, shyly holding my hand, because of course he was still nervous to speak to strangers, who just so happen to be werewolves who could, if they dared and I wasn't around, kill him. But they asked to shake his hand as well and told us how happy they were to have such a great possible luna. 

Some of them even said, that they had always admired Riley, even back when he couldn't speak and was just a normal human, not mated to anybody. They admired his strength, his will to fight for what he believed in and what was rightfully his and they couldn't have thought of a better luna than him, without putting too much pressure on him to just take the title and therefor me, kind of for life. Riley blushed like he never had before and was kind of touched that even people like those, who were strong werewolves, had noticed and liked him in school and now were on our side once again. 

Some asked about stuff like living situation, if anything would change about the pack itself, just stuff like this, that mostly concerned my selsas and kind of Pax, who had completely forgotten to even think about this kind of stuff, but it was alright, I already had an answer to each one of those questions, which was always vague and said nothing and everything at the same time. Riley listened carefully as well, kind of impressed with my business talk, as he told me through the link and I had to press down the chuckle forming in my throat in order to not confuse those poor werewolves. 

Thankfully, the ones against our mating were intelligent enough to keep that to themselves and simply left without a word. Maybe they were silently planning on how to push me off the throne or maybe, they just needed time. Anyway I didn't care much for those, I rather focussed on all those wolves congratulating us and being supportive. And then, through the line of people waiting to say their words of support to the alpha or ask me something, cut a figure I was least happy to see at that very moment. My oh so dear uncle, who actually managed to keep a smile, that showed me, how truly displeased he was with all of this. 

"Edwardo, I am so happy you could make it to this meeting" I said, very well aware that I was careful to invite him last, so he couldn't stop me, even if he had wanted to try exactly that. Edwardo pressed out another smile extending his hand, asking for my own and I gave it to him, so he could shake it like everybody else had, but his tight grip showed me just how pissed he was at me for going behind his back and doing this. Good. And it wasn't like he had any power to do anything about it anyway. I was the Alpha, simple as that.

"I see you meant it when you said you would fight for the little hybrid. My congratulations to the both of you" he said, also shaking Riley's hand, who glanced at me a little unsure, since he knew how much my uncle and I hated each other. But I loved seeing Edwardo like this. Powerless, and he knew it. He let go of my mates hand and turned to face me again, really trying hard to keep it together. "Well played, I have to say. So? I guess not even I am allowed to ask what the hell you are planning to do and how the fuck you will manage without a luna and might I remind you a heir by your side?" he asked, his anger shining through the rigid smile, but that didn't faze me at all. 

"Well, if you aren't my mate dear uncle, then no, it is none of your concern how we handle our lives. So? Was that all you came here for? To mark your territory like a mutt?" I asked, seeing what the name did to my uncle, who clenched his jaw, barely able to hold that damn smile, that actually made me want to laugh out loud, thats how ridiculous it looked at this point. Riley tried not laugh as well, as he hid his face behind my arm for a moment, so Edwardo wouldn't catch his grin, which made me smile as well. 

"No dear nephew. I just came to ask you when you would follow your duties as this oh so perfect Alpha you just told us you would be. Like fo example, you haven't been to training in a month. And before you say it, training in private is all nice and good, but your people need to see that you fight alongside them. Or you need to check in with our allies down in the south if they need anything and we should talk about how to handle the white claw pack and-" Edwardo said and at that, I cut him off. 

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