Chapter 48 - Controlling the beast

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After leaving Pax's house, I went straight back to the packhouse, where my mate's family and Cecilia were trying to take care of him and keep him in the suite, but Riley desperately tried to get past them and to me, to make the heat stop and mate with me. Fortunately they managed to keep him there without hurting him or something like that though. He was apparently stronger than they had thought and the second I entered that house, his smell invaded my nose again and I realized just how hard these next two weeks or so were going to be...because I did have the overwhelming instinct and need to mate him that very instant. 

Before I entered the suite, I took deep breaths to recollect myself and be prepared for the worst, that being that both mine and Riley's needs would be stronger and more uncontrollable than thought and somebody might need to stay with us the whole night, watching over especially my mate, who was in a way worse condition than I was, at least that was the last thing I had seen from him before the meeting with the elders, which had helped a lot and was also quite the embarrassment, but ok thats another topic. 

I could already hear them when I was walking up the stairs. Riley was whining and begging them to bring me to him and I just knew that even in his hazy state this was embarrassing to Riley...I felt incredibly bad for him, because I knew that at this point in the heat, he would not only show that he was in need and ready to mate due to the sweat and heat he was radiating but...well my mate was a guy, which could only let me imagine the boner he was rocking and trying to hide right now, seen as most of his family was in the same room with him. 

I wanted to be there for him, but I knew I needed to tame myself and so I took deep breaths, even though his smell was already present and invading my thoughts, before I opened the door, making them all look at me. Riley was sitting on the couch, only dressed in a thin t-shirt, since he was feeling very hot, like his skin was on fire, but the second he saw me, he was trying to get up and Cecilia was the one holding him down. Well, somebody here was smart, since my mate had a blanket around his hips, covering up what I knew was there and would otherwise embarrass him even more. I mean, this was natural and out of his control, but it would still be humiliating for him. 

When Riley spotted me, like everybody else who had been talking to him, trying to get him to calm down, he started panting even more and was eager to get up now and Cecilia groaned "God damn it! Asher, please tell me you have something to get this horny monster to calm down!" while she held him back by his shoulders and I was quick to rush to his side, gently pushing Cecilia off and away from my mate, who wasn't responsible for the way he was behaving at the moment, it was the heat and he was more than allowed to be irresponsible for once. Riley stared at me, mouth open, as I sat down next to him, laying a hand to his arm, because I knew my touch would help and Riley closed his eyes at that, leaning in and needing more. But all I could give him was my hand brushing over his cheek. 

"Don't worry Bambi, we will get you better in no just have to take this pill and you will be better, ok?" I asked gently and Patricia quickly rushed to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and offering it to Riley, as I got the blue pills out of my pocket. Riley looked at the pill and then back at me, before he sat up, trying to kiss me and I gently pushed him back down, trying to get him to look at me.I knew he was in no condition to think about what would be best for himself, since all his senses were telling him that I could be the solution to his misery, but I needed him to hear me and try to think. 

 "Bambi, please don't make this harder for us. Just take it and you will feel better, ok? No Bambi, stop it and look at me please" I said when my mate only tried to get closer to me and whined when he couldn't. I knew the heat was so physically painful for him, that he couldn't  concentrate even if he wanted to and he looked like he was having a fever dream, but this pill would help him and I knew what would get him to take it in his current state. 

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