Chapter 46 - Dinner for once

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Riley was reeeaally touchy the whole day and the day after that. I mean, he was just very sex deprived from his episode and I tried to pleasure and satisfy him as much as possible, ok maybe just one more time after the incident in the empty classroom, because we didn't have many opportunities after that. Riley offered to stay the night at my place and I told him that even though I would love nothing more than that, maybe he should spend more than one night with his parents in a row, especially since the next day, which was now today, they would be coming over for dinner, as were Pax, Cecilia and Lynton. 

We just, well, fooled around once more, when we came to the packhouse after school today, actually to get everything ready for the dinner, but my mate had other things in mind. Because he had been horny since the classroom thing the day before. I mean, he even tried to get me to do it again today, in a classroom I mean, but at like 9 am and as much as I loved him and wanted his body and to pleasure him, I had class and so did he and it shouldn't become a habit to fuck in school, when we had a perfectly fine bed in my suite or his room, if we ever dared to go there, maybe when his parents were far, far away and out of town. 

I managed to hold him off till we got to the house and then he told me how much he needed me and I couldn't resist him any longer. I mean, I had known Riley for a long time and we have been together for about two months now, but this heightened sex drive was kind of new and a little exhausting. Well, I guess once he was settled into his regular life with school and everything, it would be back to normal, seen as it was only triggered by his derealization episode he had to experience and which had thankfully ended two days ago. I understood his thirst, so I didn't want to keep the fun from him, just in school I would draw my line in the future, even though it so fucking hot. 

Getting him out of bed, even after we both came, twice actually, was another challenge I had to face a few minutes ago. Riley wanted to go for another round, yes, I shit you not, but we really had to start getting ready for the dinner and I didn't want to tell his parents the truth and say 'sorry that the food isn't ready yet, but your son is just a bomb in the bedroom and wanted to go round after round after round-' you get the gist. That was the only argument that made Riley blush a deep shade of red and quickly hurry out of bed to get ready. 

I had asked one of the cooks to prepare the food for us, since my half ass pizza wasn't much of a show for Riley's parents and I wanted to make this a nice and fun evening. I was currently standing in the kitchen, deciding between two wines, which I knew were both good. Yes, of course my parents showed me how to behave at a very young age, how to decide what caviar is good and what is bad and of course what a good wine is and now I wanted to impress the...well Pax said in-laws, but that was a long road ahead. I had already picked out the wine for Lynn, Riley and Patricia, so for the humans, but the wolf one was hard, even though Pax would drink it in one go anyway. 

The cook stood beside me, preparing the food, which was a five course meal, carefully picked, so everybody could enjoy something from it. I was already dressed in a shirt, blazer and suit pants, as well as shoes, a little too business and not enough casual as Riley had put it, as he watched me getting dressed, but that was ok, that was kind of the brand of our pack. Not as much as Jasper Sutton's, but still. I luckily hadn't heard from him, because I didn't want to make a decision about the relationship between our packs, while his and Pax's was still undecided. 

Suddenly, the soft arms of my mate snaked around my waist and I could feel him leaning his face against my back, humming in delight as the tingling sensation of my touch glistered through his body. "I thought you wanted to take a nap?" I asked, putting down the wines, before I turned around, my hands finding his shoulders, while Riley kept hugging my waist. He immediately snuggled back against my chest and I held him close into a hug, loving that I was able and allowed to hold and touch him like that. 

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