Chapter 17 - Save with me

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My hand on Riley's cheek remained, as his lips shyly, but at the same time hungrily moved against mine, letting the electricity float through our bodies, which felt like they were slowly melting together. He tasted so sweet, so perfect and his slight tremble in my hold as I moved one hand to gently hold his waist, as I carefully pushed him against the tree that was behind him, was making this all the more perfect. I was kissing him, I was kissing my mate!! It was getting harder with every passing second that our lips were moving together, to hold Dixon back, but oh so indescribably perfect! 

Riley's hands found the back of my neck, pulling me in and I didn't complain, as we were both a bit shy, that this could end in the blink of an eye, but for the moment, we were just enjoying ourselves. I knew Riley could feel the electric shocks dominating his body as well and our hearts were both so loud in my ears, that I almost missed his needy breaths for me, that kept me alive at this moment. His touch was so gentle, but also wouldn't let me pull away, even if for some idiotic reason I would want to. 

My lips left his and rather connected with his beautiful neck, right at the place I would one day, maybe, if this was turning out the way I wanted to, mark and Riley released the sweetest moans and I didn't even know if that was only through the link or right in front of me, but I didn't care. All I cared about, was my mate and trying to please him, show him how much he meant to me. Riley's hands kept my head close, so I had to press some more kisses along his neck and up to his jaw, until I found his lips, capturing them once more. Nothing I had ever done, not even breathing, had ever been this natural to me before. But it was also so exciting, I could have died from a heart attack. 

But suddenly, I could feel it, something changed in Riley. He opened his eyes and I saw pure shock in them. "Stop!" Riley exclaimed through the mind link and immediately, I stopped, letting him push me away. "Stop!" Riley signed, since he obviously didn't know, that he had already told me that and now I could clearly see the fear and pure terror in his eyes. Oh this was not going to be good...Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him back, but he wanted to kiss me, right?? Oh goddess I've fucked up, haven't I?

"No no no this can not be happening!" Riley signed, pacing up and down and mostly away from me, looking very distressed. I wanted to hold him and tell him that it was alright, that this was supposed to happen, but I think Riley would have learned how to scream, if I would have touched him again, especially now. 

"I'm a cheater...I cheated!! Oh gosh, oh fuck!! No no I am not a cheater, I don't cheat, I wouldn't do that, but I did! I cheated, I am a cheater!!" Riley signed, more to himself I guess, as he was looking like he was about to pass out from the stress he was under. Again, I wanted to run over there and comfort him, but I didn't know if he needed to be reminded of my existence just now. Suddenly, Riley stopped, turning towards me and his eyes were wide and slightly filled with tears, while his whole form was shaking, making my worry only grow. 

"I cheated!! But I love Sawyer! I love him with all my heart and I don't understand- this wasn't supposed to happen! I should have never done that! How can I live with myself?? I cheated on my boyfriend as if I didn't respect and love him, but I do! I do! I just- oh god" Riley signed hysterically and even though his words hit me like a dagger, I knew I needed to step in and help my mate calm down now. So I walked up to him, as he didn't even notice me, still pacing up and down, as if he was on the verge of a breakdown. 

"Hey its ok! It was only a kiss" I argued, even though we both knew this kiss was so much more than just a normal kiss you would drunkly share at a club with a stranger and never tell your boyfriend or girlfriend about, since it meant nothing and you wouldn't want to upset them over something that simple. Riley spun around, face pale in shock and guilt, as if he had just killed somebody on accident and that hurt even more, but again, this wasn't about me, but about my mate, who felt like the worst person alive. 

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