Chapter 33 - My wish to be with you

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"Ok so I found this place an hour away from here, where there is already a bit of snow, enough to go sledging and they have a little cafe with hot chocolate and- are you even up for that? I mean, it is your late-birthday-day and if you want, we can do something entirely different, no price limit and we can bring your family or friends if you want and-" I rambled, sitting down on the bed with my laptop and my reading glasses on, while Riley was sitting up, just having woken up. He could sleep for hours, but I had been up since seven, planning the perfect day for my mate. 

"You wear glasses?" he asked and I looked up from the laptop at my adorable mate. His hair was messy and his eyes small from just having woken from his slumber. He still wore nothing, but the blanket covering his lower half and actually, he looked damn sexy being entangled with the sheets like that. "Just for the office. I don't really need them, you know, wolf eyes, but it's a habit. People respect me more when I wear them, since I look older. So? What do you say?" I asked and Riley crawled towards me, sitting on his knees behind me, his lower half still covered with the covers, his arms resting on my shoulders, as his one hand played with my hair and he looked at the laptop screen. 

"I think you should wear them to bed the next time, they look ridiculously hot and-" 

"About the date Ri" I chuckled and when I glanced to the side, I caught my mate smiling, even through his sleepy trance. "I love it. And no, I don't want to spend it with my parents" he said and I closed the laptop, turning around at that. "Are you still mad at them? I know the betrayal hurts Bambi, but they only wanted to protect you, don't hate them for that" I said, taking his hand in mine and Riley sighed, fleeing my gaze.

"I am not so much mad, as I am confused. I don't know how to approach them yet, you know? My mom and I had a talk the other day, because she was crying, thinking I despite her for letting dad take away my memory, but I am not. I just need time and they know it. As for Lynn, I don't know, I'm not really disappointed in her. She was only fifteen back then, what choice did she have but to go along with it? I haven't talked to her since I found out and she didn't make an attempt to talk to me in person, but we texted back and forth from our rooms. I wouldn't mind her tagging along. Don't worry, my family isn't a burden to me, I just need some time" he said, brushing over my hair, as I did a bad job hiding my concern. 

"Ok, I understand. I don't want to pressure you into talking to them, I just want to make sure you are not silently suffering and I didn't notice" I said and Riley smiled, his hand from my hair going to my cheek. "That is really sweet. But how I know you, you would notice it before I would" he grinned and I chuckled, because actually, that was pretty accurate. Slowly, we leaned in, our lips meeting for a soft and tender kiss and when we pulled away, Riley wore a big smile. 

"You brushed your teeth" he grinned, staying close. 

"You didn't" I smiled back and Rileys hand went to cover his mouth, as a blush and an embarrassed smile appeared on his face, making me chuckle. Obviously he hadn't gotten to his daily hygiene, he had just woken up and I wasn't mad about that, especially, since for us werwolves, things like body odor or stuff weren't a bother, as the natural scent our mates carried, lavender and pine trees in Rileys case, mostly covered that up anyway. "But I don't mind" I said and before I could lean in closer, I heard shuffling in front of the locked door and people whispering. And I already smelled who it was. 

"I told you not to come here again!" Pax hissed and the next thing I heard, was somebody knocking at our door. "Asher? Its Jasper Sutton, we need to talk" he declared and I sighed, letting my head fall. When I looked at Riley, he seemed mildly terrified, so I said "Its ok, he's harmless. Well not harmless but- I will handle it" I said, pecking his lips, before standing up and unlocking the door. 

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