Chapter 3 (Teachers Pet)

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Hey guys, I'm back with chapter 3! 


Win's POV

When I went home, Bright did not come after me, just like I expected. But I didn't care. Not even when my mom yelled at me that night. It's been a week since Bright and his mom came over for dinner and our mom's have been hanging out every day since then. His mom was really sweet, she always brought me food, apparently my mom told her that I was a big foodie. 

I was currently sitting in my living room with Gulf and Gun and both of them were busy texting their men, completely ignoring me.

"Did you come over to rub into my face how single I am or what?" They both laughed and put their phones away.

"Maybe you should try going on dates. I mean, you are cute and all, so why not give it a try?" Gun suggested and Gulf agreed by nodding.

"I don't know... What if they only want to get me into bed and then leave?" Gun shrugged.

"That's not that bad, tho. Sex is great." Gulf rolled his eyes.

"Don't listen to Gun. He loves sex too much. Do what you want, but only when you are ready." I nodded and started munching on my chips.

A boyfriend didn't sound bad at all, especially since I had been single all my life. I was 20 years old for God's sake! But I was also scared of getting hurt along the way. I knew how I was.

If I fall for someone, I'll fall hard.

And maybe Gun was right... I also thought that It's time for me to finally look for a boyfriend.

"How am I supposed to find someone, tho? I've never been good at that typa stuff." I told them and Gun lit up like a christmas tree.

"I know what to do! Grindr!" I looked at him, confused. What the hell was that?

"And what's that?" He looked at me as if I was from another dimension.

"It's a dating app for gay guys..." Gulf cut him off.

"Mostly to hook up." Gulf added.

"And? Does it matter?" Gun rolled his eyes and I chuckled. Gulf and Gun were so different from each other. And there was me. A cute lil potato.

"Yes, it does. Don't encourage him to hoe around like you."

"Uhm, excuse you. Let the guy enjoy himself. And don't act like we don't hear you and Mew fuck all the time when the two of us sleep over at your house." Gun argued.

"Don't be salty just because Off hasn't asked you out, yet."

"Okay, guys. Just stop, alright. I'll find the right one when the time is right. But for now, I need to focus on my studies, aynway." I told them and got up, throwing my empty chips bag away.

"It's all your fault. He has the chance to get some bomb dick, why did you have to ruin it for him?" I heard Gun whisper yell to Gulf and I giggled.

I truly had the weirdest friends, but I loved them to pieces.

We continued to talk and Gun and Gulf kept bickering around, when the doorbell rang. I got up and stretched my body, before walking to the front door. I rubbed my eyes sleepily, before finally opening the door.

"Bright, what the hell are you doing here?" I "greeted" him.

"Shut up. I came over to get my mother's bag. She forgot it here this morning." He explained and walked in, without me telling him to. Uhm, rude, much?

"It's not here. Now leave." I told him. I really did not have the nerve to deal with his shit today.

I was leaning against the counter, when he came closer towards me, while staring at me. He reached behind me with one hand, his other hand grabbing my hip.

"There it is." He smirked and looked me up and down, before he walked out of the door. I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding.

What the hell did just happen?


I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind. My professor was talking about his private life, like he always did. Gulf was for once taking notes and Gun was texting away on his phone, like everybody else. 

"Gulf, do you still have some snacks left from earlier?" I asked him. We were allowed to eat and drink during class and everybody knew how much I loved food. He nodded and handed me a bag of chips and some gummy bears. I munched away, while quietly working by myself. The teacher was not teaching us anything, so I had  teach myself the topics

We suddenly heard a knock on the door. Confused, I tilted my head to the side.

"Come in."

"Good morning." Bright casually said, as if he wasn't late at all and walked to the empty desk, that just so happened to be beside mine.

Just my luck, I guess.

"I actually forgot that you were even in this class." Our teacher said and I had to giggle, which earned me a glare from Bright.

"What? It's true." I giggled. He gave me the middle finger and I gave him one back.

"Nice to see you too, Mr.Dim." He sat down and did not even bother to take out any pencils or textbooks. I didn't expect anything else.

"Take out your books, Bright." Mr.Dim said and Bright just stayed quiet for a moment.

"Why? It's not like we are actually going to do any work." He said and I gasped.

He was so rude and disrespectful!

"Just do as I say, Bright and we won't have any problems." He threatened.

"I didn't bring any." He carelessly said and I rolled my eyes. Typical of him.

"Then just look into Win's book. I'm sure he won't need it anyway, since he is always done with his work ahead." My teacher praised me and I was lowkey embarrassed.

"Oh, yeah. Win is so amazing, isn't he?" He was being sarcastic, of course he was.

"It's better than to fail every single class, no?" I was provoking him on purpose and I could tell he was starting to get angry.

"Just shut up, teachers pet."

"You stop it!"

"Guys, you both stop it. Bright go sit next to Win and do your work for once."

"Might as well just skip this fucking class, too. Why did I even come." He mumbled to himself, grabbing one of my pencils.

I could never imagine having the same attitude as him. Gross.

And of course, Bright did not do any of his work, he just copied my notes and when the class ended, he was also the first student to go out that door.

I said goodbye to Gun and Gulf, before grabbing my bag and going home. 

And If I only knew what was expecting me, I would have kept my ass at school...


OH OHHH.... It's getting interesting! Just wait and see.

See you guys tomorrow in chapter 4 and please leave me some feedback!

Thank your for reading. 💞📖

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