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A pounding headache greets me in the morning as I open my eyes,squinting at the rays of sunlight that's made their way through the blinds.

"Shit" I croak through my dry throat.

Only now do i realise I'm in bed,with Ralph.Why do I always end up in bed with him?Why?

I get up from the bed,throwing my legs over to the side and reaching out for my phone.I see that I have a missed call from my dad so instantly call back.

"Dad?" I ask my brewed furrowed in worry.

"Ava,honey.How are you?"

Hearing his voice,his sober voice, feeld like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.I feel my heart lighten as I let out a small breath.

"I'm great dad" I answer smiling to myself,"London is pretty cool."

"I can imagine."

"How have you been?" I ask eager to know more about his time at home without me

"Yeah,it's good.I've been spending time with my colleagues,some are coming round to watch the match later on"

Hearing him gush over his new friends makes my heart melt,as I'm filled with pride,as if I was his parent.

"I'm so happy to hear that dad" I smile.

As I'm talking I hear Ralph shift in bed.I feel him move closer,the body heat radiating off of him sending shivers up my spine.His hands find their way to my wavy hair and he begins to play with the strands as I talk to my dad.

"Well I best not keep you.Have fun,I love you"

"I love you too Dad,stay safe"

"I should be saying that to you" he laughs,"bye pumpkin"

"Bye dad" I smile,ending the call and putting the phone down before turning so that I can face Ralph.

"Hungover?" He asks in his deep morning voice.

"One hundred percent" I laugh

"How is he?" He asks,with a look of genuine concern painted across his face.

"He's doing well.Says he has some friends coming over"

"That's good,right?" He asks,his hands still threading their way through my hair.

"I guess" I shrug,"I just...I still feel uneasy.Like something is going to happen and I'm not going to be there to help him"

"Ava,it's all going to be okay.Your dad can take care of himself"

"I know" I whisper.

We stay silent for a few moments,until Ralph gets up and stretches,letting out a loud groan he turns to me,"c'mon let's get rid of your hangover"

I let out an annoyed huff before getting up and following him into the kitchen.I slide myself onto the kitchen counter next to Lana who's sat on the stool with her head on the table.

"Crazy night?"

"You could say that" she mumbles with her face still buried in the table

"Care to share"

"Not right now,I'm wallowing in my self depression and regret" she groans

"Good luck with that" I chuckle tapping her back,before jumping off the counter to join the boys in the living area.

"I take it you had a good nights sleep" Dan smirks

"Not really" I lie

"And it's worse now because I have a shitty headache and a sore back" I groan laying flat on the sofa.

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