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"Welcome you your form,I am Mrs Mulley I will be your teacher.Obviously year 12 is an important year as it is the start of your post sixteen education-"

"There are some really hot guys in this form" Sara whispers to me with a small excited grin.

I was lucky enough to be in the same form as Sara and Dan,and to my surprise they didn't ditch me.We all sat at the back of the classroom in the row on the left hand side.

I don't think Mrs Mulley took a liking to me especially since she demanded Sara and I remove our piercings.But as soon as we sat down my septum went back in and her eyebrow peircing went back into place.

"Sara is all you think about boys?" Dan scoffs

"No,girls are on my mind sometimes" she winks before turning back to scope the classroom.

The school was unusually inviting,with people of all races and backgrounds. Highschool here didn't make me feel intimidated,not like my old one.

Mrs Mulley's speech about the importance of extra curriculars was interrupted by the door being violently shoved opened and two students walking in.

One is a girl,she's pretty,tanned skin with flowy brown hair,from her facial features I can tell that she's Latina,and with her is a guy,tall,mixed race and handsome.The girl giggles slightly turning to whisper to the boy as they walk across the classroom to the two spare seats in front of us.

"Lovely for you to join us Carmen.And you Matthew.Now back to what I was saying-"

Carmen and Matthew were the sort of people who instantly make you feel anxious by just making eye contact with them.The kids who think of themselves as popular but the whole school dislikes them.I could tell by the way the class reacted to their entrance,or at least the members of the class that had previously attended the school.But that was enough of a warning for me to know to steer clear of those guys.

I had already had a run in with people like them in my past,I had always assumed that Lana,Ralph,Dan and the others were a part of this group of kids.Their outgoing personalities really had me thinking thay they were popular,I mean who wouldn't like them,they're amazing people.Part of me was glad that they aren't extremely popular,call me a nerd but I'd rather be unknown.

"You have 5 minutes before period 1 so entertain yourselves,and remember equipment and uniform checks are every Monday starting next week"

The class erupted into conversation,everyone seemed to have a good relationship with eachother,so I'm assuming they were all students at the school before.

As Sara,Dan and I were talking Carmen turns round to greet us with a bittersweet smile on her face."You're new aren't you?" She asks

"Yeah,I just moved" I tell her

"Oh,that's cute.I'm Carmen,this is Matt"

I smile at them both mentally praying for them to just leave us alone,but they don't.Matt speaks up,"So how's your friend Lana doing?I haven't seen her in a while"

The way he said this made me think that Lana had quite the impression on the boys in this school.And Sara's defensive response confirmed that idea.

"Just because she didn't want to fuck you doesn't mean you get to target her,get over yourself Matt" she scoffs.

"Kai said she was useless anyways,I don't go for scraps" he replies turning round.

"Yeah I really don't like them" I whisper

"Just steer clear of them,and don't try it on with Matt" Dan whispers back

"Bold of you to think that I would" I snap

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