Chapter 1

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A scene of a beautiful room with four beds and three girls of almost 16 years old sleeping on three of them. Suddenly a voice from behind broke the silence.

"Niya, Myra, Sara, wake up girls, you remember it's our picnic day to Mena Mountains. We must not be late." said Ashi while she came out of the bathroom.

"Oh Ashi, it's just 7 and we have decided to leave at 9, let me sleep one hour more." said Myra looking at the clock.

Ashi,"Don't be so lazy, we would be late and if not then what's wrong to be early, we will get more time to enjoy there."

Niya yawned,"Yeah Myra, Ashi is right we are awake, and now.....wake up Myra."

"Ahh! Okay, I am up." said Myra as she sat up and squirmed.

They all got dressed and packed for their picnic and after sometime they went to have their breakfast in the dining room.

"I wish this time the weather be with us, as the last time our day was spoilt due to heavy rain." said Sara sadly.

Niya happily,"This time nothing wrong's gonna happen as the day is sunny and best for picnic at Mena mountains."

"Oh I am dying to see the Great waterfalls and the beautiful scenes there." said Ashi with a dreamy smile.

"And of course the beauty of mountains that are covered with the clouds. Oh how desperate we were to go there for weeks and it's the planned day." said Myra excitedly.

They left their home by 9, they all were very excited for their picnic, unaware of the biggest adventure of their life that was waiting for them. They reached the Mena mountains on decided time.

They found a good place to sit and unfolded their mat

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They found a good place to sit and unfolded their mat. They kept the food basket and their bags on the mat and rested there for a while then they went to the waterfalls, played with their ball for sometime then they sat on the rocks and began to talk about that place.

Sara,"I have listened a weird rumour regarding this mountain and a scientist."

"What kind of rumour can be spread about this beautiful mountain?" asked Niya.

Sara,"It's not really about the mountain but about a scientist here. Years ago according to people there was a scientist, Dr. Gerald, who was making a time machine in a cave of Mena mountains, got disappeared and was never found."

"Disappeared and never found! What do you mean?" asked Ashi with an awe on her face.

Sara,"Yeah disappeared, some say that he was successful and he went in future with his machine but never came back. And others say that he is trapped in time and he is travelling and travelling in future and past. I don't know whether it's true or not but this is a weird story."

Ashi who was listening carefully said," It cannot be true time machine can't be made so simply and how can anyone get trapped in it no one has any proof that he was successful."

Myra,"It smells so fishy, but who cares about it, why are we spoiling our time, let's enjoy our picnic."

They all laughed and began with their talk. After sometime.....

Niya,"I am hungry let's have our lunch and then we will explore the nearby forests."

Sara,"Yeah, let's go I too am hungry."

They ate their lunch and went in the forest to explore it's beauty.

"Someone help...... Help me please!!", A cry came from far away.

Niya,"Someone's crying for help but where is this voice coming from?"

Sara,"Look over there I can see a man there."

They soon went towards him.

"Please help me girls."

He was a weird looking man trapped in a large net.

Niya,"Oh my God! He is trapped."

Ashi,"I am going to bring scissor, first aid box and water bottle from my bag. He is hurt." and she went away.

She returned with scissor, a first aid box and water bottle and then they cut the net and also hospitalised him.

"Thank you so much kind girls, I am Dr. Gerald......" He said.

He didn't complete his sentence when Sara suddenly spoke,"Dr. Gerald!! You are real, aren't you the one who was trying to make time machine years ago?"

"Yes I am the one who was making it and I was successful too." said Dr. Gerald.

Ashi,"But where were you these years and how you suddenly came here?"

Dr. Gerald,"I will tell you everything and please try to believe all my words."

Myra," Go ahead we all are hearing."

He started narrating his story to them......

Dr. Gerald," 5 years ago, when I was successful in making my time machine, I decided to check it and so, I went in the future, in the world of 25th century where I saw that everything was completely different the people of then were completely dependent on much advanced technology for each and everything. Even they have teleporting machine that looks like bands, the flying robots and water robots are made to do most of the work....."

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