Chapter 7

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Suddenly Ashi thought of an idea and said,"Myra you can make a holographic image of a monster so imagine it infront of the birds and Niya you make your clone and send her outside so the birds can be distracted.

I will bring a speaker so that we can produce a monster' s voice and it can be heard to the birds and Sara try to attack the birds as more as you can with your wristwatch and Myra will join you soon.

They nodded and did according to her idea and it worked. Niya was running in the house so that her duplicate will also run and distract the birds outside and Ashi was taking out voice of a monster with her speaker, the birds attacked the monster but as it was a hologram thus, it passed through it.

Sara and Myra began to attack the birds from inside the house through the large holes from behind the hologram of the monster.

Ashi left the speaker and joined Myra and Sara. There were total four birds one behind Niya' s duplicate and rest fighting with them. One was defeated by the attacks of the three.

Sara,"Your idea is working look one is killed and it disappeared."

They continued their fight. On the other side Niya' s duplicate was attacked by a bird and it hit it and she disappeared.

Niya,"Ohh no! I should bring some more duplicates. And I should also attack the birds, may be my duplicates will do the same and the birds would be killed."

She brought three duplicates one after the other and they went outside. Niya joined the others and she also began to attack the giants and her duplicates were also attacking the birds.

Soon two birds were also killed with two of Niya' s duplicates.

Myra,"Woah their attacks are real. Now there's only one left."

She stopped and opened the map and was shocked to see that they were not in the enchanted forest, they are in another world. The green spot was to be seen nowhere.

Myra was shocked,"This can't be possible."

Ashi asked,"What happened?"

Myra,"We.....we are not in the enchanted forest, we are somewhere else, the map isn't showing the green spot instead it turned black at where we are. Joseph has not told anything like this. We must go back."

Sara,"Ohh God why it happened with us? No problem we just have to find the door from which we came here and we will go back."

The last bird was also killed and they all came out and went in the direction from where they came. After sometime they saw the huge tree and there was the door at some distance.

Niya,"Oh look there's the door run towards it or more birds will come after us."

They ran towards the door but some more giant birds came from the tree and attacked them, they made shield to resist the attacks and reached the door, they opened it and jumped inside and closed the door they threw away all the things (the mirror, mobile, vase) here and there.

All sighed with great relief.

Ashi trembled and said,"Thank God we are saved. I wanna go back to Joseph we will find the door tomorrow please."

They all agreed and they went outside the creepy house and went to Joseph's house. He opened the door and was astonished to see them underwhelmed in full of sweat. He called them inside.

Joseph,"You all here? And why are you all so exhausted what happened?"

Myra,"O Joseph we will tell you everything later, but for now can we please rest, we are dead tired."

He agreed and they went in the room and soon slept on the beds. After one-two hours Joseph made food for them and brought in their room.

They ate the dinner and began to tell him everything about their today's venture.

Sara,"Actually everything was going on fine until we were distracted by the robots and when they went away, the map showed two green spots."

"Two? But how?",asked Joseph raising his eyebrows.

Sara,"Yeah two. We don't know how but it showed and we followed the right one and reached to an old, broken and extremely weird house."

"An old, weird house.....", He remembered of something and showed them a 3D pic of the same house from his mobile.

"Does that look like this?", He asked.

Niya,"Exactly the same. Do you know anything about this scary house?"

Joseph sadly,"Yeah, and it's a bad news that you all went there. I am sure you might have been through a scam in there."

Ashi,"You are right but why it's a bad news, we have overcome the obstacle. So, now what is it?"

"That house, is controlled by Jester's main robots and he might have known somehow by his robots that you have met, that you do not belong to this world and he did something because of which the map showed one more green spot. The real bad news is he has known that you have come to defeat him. And he won't let you do that."

Myra,"So, now what? How we will go to the entrance?"

"You can go there but you cannot return because second time they will suspect you and recognise you, so, be careful while going and try to stay away from the robots.", explained Joseph.

Niya,"Okay we will be careful but is it safe to stay here tonight?"

Joseph,"Yeah it is safe in here. But you will have to leave tomorrow or the robots will search for you in every house. But you all are tired, its not a good idea sending you back again."

Sara,"Don't worry about us we will be alright till tomorrow morning."

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