Chapter 11

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She was sitting on the land and looking at the block with scared eyes, when the voice from the sky came again,"Before getting out you have to answer one question. If you answer right then you will get the key to exit."

She agreed. The question was; 'Which is the act that stays alive till eternity?' She thought for a while,"A deed that stays alive till eternity?" She replied,"The act of kindness made by one stays alive till eternity."

The voice spoke,"You are absolutely right. Your kindness to save the world without any self will be fruitful." And the key to exit appeared. She smiled and grabbed it and ran towards the exit door, unlocked it and she was back in the forest where she met Sara and hugged her. They both told each other about their adventures.

Ashi' s adventure:

Ashi was moving between the dense trees when suddenly she stepped on something sticky, she bent down and found that the ground was made of bubblegum. She looked in front and found that the ground was made of sticky bubblegum everywhere in front.

"What! Bubblegum? Eww, its sticking under my shoes, but I need to go further if I have to pass this obstacle."

She was moving on the bubblegum ground but soon she realised something was wrong, she was feeling something unusual about that ground.

"Am I sinking in this ground, are my legs really penetrating in or its just a feeling?"

A voice came from the sky,"Its not only a feeling its true that you are slowly penetrating into this bubbly ground. You will have to answer a question to come out of this bubbly ground, if you answer wrong you will never get out of here. Are you ready? You've only one chance."

She thought in her mind,"Oh so this is the test of my reasoning, okay then."

Ashi answered bravely,"Yes, I am ready, go for it."

She was all ears. The question was;
'What is it, that makes you weak and your brain don't let you think anything else when it is with you, you never want to have it and run away from it but one day life brings you on a spot where you have to face it to achieve success and then you will win over it?'

Ashi murmured,"Something that makes one forget everything, we run away from it but one day we face it in our life. What exactly is it? What make my brain loose focus if I am having it."

After thinking for a while, she exclaimed with joy," It's a feeling, yeah a feeling!"

She again thought,"Is it sorrow, when I am sad by brain doesn't work but how we face sorrow in our life to achieve success and if we do then how can we run away from it? Its something else. But what.....?"

Ashi looked around herself and exclaimed, "Fear! Yes it's fear that makes us weak in trouble, it don't let us think and one day we have to face our fears to overcome obstacles of life. And no matter how much we run away from it, it always follows us until we learn to face it and win over it."

The voice from sky,"Then what are you waiting for, you have the solution to come out of this swampy land just think of a solution. Don't let your fears overpower your mind."

"What? Yeah! you are right, I am afraid of swamp because I was once trapped in swamp in my childhood but somehow my friends saved me. I need to think of a solution....MY wristwatch!", a spark of hope grew in her eyes.

She clicked the flying shoes button and the sticking rope button. A rope came in her hands, she threw it towards a tree near and it stuck on its trunk. She pulled it to check and with the help of the rope she was slowly moving out of the bubbly ground. Her legs were almost completely in the bubblegum. She used all her strength and forgot about her fear and with her determination, she came out of the bubbly ground and flew up.

"Very good, you completed your first task successfully. Now is the turn for the next one...", The voice from the sky said.

The bubblegum ground disappeared. She landed on the ground and there appeared some alphabets, numbers and images in front of her on a transparent screen.

"Here are some jumbled code words and numbers and some pictures shown to you, you only need to make a proper meaning of these pictures and convert it into proper sentence. The numbers symbolises the hidden meanings."

Ashi was so confused. The pictures were of : 'Some people, a rock with some snow over it, some metals, a circle with some numbers in it, a planet similar to earth, a fruit and some garbage.'

Ashi,"What does these pictures mean. And these words, firstly I need to find the meaning of these pictures and make a scene or a story with them. Then I guess the words will be clear."

She began to think, looking keenly at all the pictures, trying to take out a meaningful message through them.

"This rock has some snow on it, rock and snow.....mountains are covered with snow, yes it may symbolise mountain. And the circle with numbers...Um..."

Ashi looked at her watch and exclaimed, "Watch, yes it's watch. The garbage is describing pollution I assume. Fruit can describe, sweetness, no then energy, no no, then....trees, may be. These people means some humans and the last picture is of metals. What do metals demonstrate? Strength or lustre, may be strength. Now time to arrange them."

She was going to arrange the images when she realised something.....

"But wait a sec, if I have guessed them right then don't these images matches with our adventure? It has a planet, that means this future world. Mountain, where we found Dr. Gerald and came here. Watch means our wristwatches. Fruit means the seed that we are searching so that its plant can save the earth from the pollution that we made and when no trees are left on earth, next these people, don't they demonstrate us, me and my friends. And the last image the metals one. It doesn't symbolises strength its the control machine of Jester and robots that are made from the metals."

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