Chapter 13

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"Ah! Now where did the bird go?"

She looked on the trees and figured out tail of a monkey. "Oh so, again in monkey form hmm."

She hastily flew downwards towards that tree with her hands out to touch the tail but Arino dodged her and jumped onto another tree and clung from one tree to another and went in the dark.

She followed it but everytime she bump into a branch or get trapped between the leaves and twigs.

"I have to plan something...." She started to search for something helpful and then she found a banana tree. She plucked some bananas and went to search for the monkey and she found him at last sitting and eating some berries.

This time she didn't go near it and she kept the bananas at some distance with the tree Arino was sitting on, so that it can see the bananas and she flew up so that the monkey cannot see her. She clicked a button of her watch and there appeared a net, she was holding it tight.

 She clicked a button of her watch and there appeared a net, she was holding it tight

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When the monkey was finished with his berries his eyes went on the bananas kept. He came near bananas, looked in all directions to be asure of no trap there. When he was assured, he took a banana and peeled it, he was about to eat the first bite when suddenly he found himself trapped in a net.

Niya was successful this time in trapping him and without wasting a time she rushed towards him and touched it's tail. She finally succeeded and the monkey disappeared and there appeared a key. She grabbed it and flew up to find the exit door. Far away she saw something bright and flew towards it and it was none other than the exit door.

"Yay I did it!" When she moved forward to unlock the door, it disappeared and there appeared 3 doors one behind the other. "Now what? Three doors why?"

A voice came from the sky,"Your task isn't finished yet. The same key will unlock all the doors but remember behind the first door there is burning hot temperature and freezing cold after the second. You have to tolerate both the temperatures and stay for one minute in each without speaking a word, and if you survive each of them the third door will appear that is the exit door back to the forest."

She gulped and fearfully unlocked the first door and she went in. Oh! how terribly hot the temperature was.

Niya was thinking that if she stayed there more she would melt. She felt like shouting of pain but she didn't speak a word and stayed there. The ground was so hot that her feet were burning inside her shoes. Tears rolled down her cheeks.

She was all sweaty and was about to faint but she wiped her tears and sweat and gulped hardly. She looked at the watch only 10 seconds left, she grew a little happier and exhaled heavily.

5..4..3..2..1..0. And the second door appeared. She rushed and unlocked it and went inside. In the start she was feeling so relaxed and cool but soon the cold was getting unbearable.

She said in her mind,"Oh! This is getting too much. My feet..... Got burnt and now it's extreme cold here and they are paining a lot now. This freezing temperature....will freeze me definitely. This sharp chilly wind is pricking like knives on my skin." She sniffled.

She was shivering with cold and she can feel like her blood was slowly freezing, she could feel her legs getting heavier and problem in breathing properly. Her eyes were getting heavier, her face grew pale. Ice was freezing on her hair and she could feel like loosing her consciousness every second.

She was breathing heavily, but in spite of these she was determined to complete her task successfully. So, to keep herself warm she rubbed her palm and legs over her calves. But there was only little energy left in her. Her legs trembled and she lost her balance and fell down.

She looked in the watch only few seconds were left. She thought,"I will not fail." And somehow she managed to stand up.
The exit door appeared and with the little energy she had, she moved forward and turned the key into key hole and the door opened. She moved forward and with trembling legs she fell on the ground.

But now when she came out she could feel regaining all her energy back and she wasn't cold anymore. She could feel some hands over her shoulder and back trying to pick her up. She stood up and found her friends looking at her.

Myra,"Hey Niya are you alright?"

Sara,"You look exhausted what happened with you?"

Niya was so happy seeing them and hugged them,"Oh guys I am fine, it was just a dangerous task. How you've all been? And am I so late?"

Ashi,"We have all been through dangerous adventures but we are all good now."

Sara,"And you are not late. Ashi came just few minutes before you and so did Myra and I."

Niya,"Oh thank goodness it felt like the whole day has passed."

Myra,"Yeah, come here and relax for sometime with us. You'll feel good."

Niya sat on the green grass with others and they talked about their journeys. It was getting darker in the sky so, they decided to make tents and sleep.

They clicked a button of their wristwatches and there appeared four tents. They bade goodnight to each other and went in their particular tents. Though the tents look very ordinary from outside they were quite beautiful inside, with a comfy bed and some food kept at one side, they ate the food and slept soundly.....

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