Chapter 3

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They were in the future now......

The place seemed so miserable, there was no happiness around, only the sad looking faces of people all around and the robots, controlling everything.

"The sky...... Oh no! There is no sunlight and there is no moisture in the atmosphere.", said Myra.

"The sunlight and the rain drops are trapped we can't do anything. We will die of cold if we didn't get heat of sun."said Sara rubbing her palms.

"There must be a way to keep ourselves warm through these watches." said Niya.

They unfolded the sheet and read, they got the solution which would help them survive without sun's heat.

Ashi while reading,"Here, click this blue button and we will get something to survive in these circumstances."

They clicked it and each got a band that could be worn around neck, they wore the bands. Suddenly they started to feel better.

Sara said with relief,"Oh finally."

Ashi happily,"We began to feel warm again. These watches are amazing."

Niya,"Now let's give a look on this map also we should not waste our time."

Ashi took out the map and they looked in it.

Myra,"What is this red dot?"

She moved further and she was looking at that dot carefully.

Myra,"I got it this map is so real, the red dot indicates the place we are and it will tell us in which direction we have to go to find the sun and rain."

Niya,"Woah! It's like GPS with one single line that tells our particular direction. We won't get lost."

Suddenly their watches started beeping.

Sara,"What's wrong, why are our watches beeping?"

Myra,"Look there are some robots approaching towards us, what do we do?"

"Run towards that building, there is no other place to hide."said Ashi pointing towards a high tech building.

They ran towards the building and hid themselves from the robots but suddenly someone pulled them inside that building. A man was standing in front of them.

Sara,"Ah my hand!..... Who are you?"

Niya whispered,"Shhh, be quite don't talk to anyone here, he can be our enemy."

Joseph,"I am not your enemy."

He looked at their watches and said, "Oh, so you all are sent here by Dr. Gerald. Don't worry, my name is Joseph, I was a helper and friend of Dr. Gerald. He might have told you about me, hasn't he?"

Ashi,"Oh ya, Joseph, he has told that you were his friend and you may help us in this world to find the special seed."

Joseph,"You are right I will help you, now when you have trusted me then come with me let's sit and talk about the map Gerald gave you."

He took them in a room and they sat down, he gave them to eat something and then they were talking about the map and the watch instructions sheet.

Joseph,"Now let me first tell you more about the wristwatches. These are very useful, you can even fly with this, there is a transparent button, upon clicking it beams will come out that will attack the enemies. It will help you to breathe inside the water but only for some time. It can trap your enemies with laser net and you can use it as a flashlight too. It will provide you a shield to resist the attacks made by one.

And for the map, it has the navigator that tells your exact location and will help you to find the places where you will get the light and water. But when you will reach there you will find some riddles you will have to solve and work according to it."

Myra,"Thank you Mr. Joseph for helping us figure out the sheet easily."

Joseph,"Actually I have to thank you all because you all are doing a lot for the sake of our world."

Sara,"No need to thank us, that's a duty of every human to save one another from dangerous situations."

Joseph smiled at them and asked,"So, when you all have decided to leave for your journey, it's evening now, take my advice and stay here tonight, you may leave another day if you want."

They agreed and stayed there for that day. Joseph showed them their room where they could rest that night. At night they ate their dinner and slept.

The next morning.....

Joseph,"Wake up girls good morning, if you want to leave then don't do any late."

Myra yawned,"But..... but it's not morning yet."

Ashi,"Oh Myra, did you forget where we are?"

Myra,"Ah! No I didn't."

Sara,"Good morning Joseph. What's the time right now?"

Joseph,"It's 8 and go get dressed and then come for the breakfast downstairs. There's the bathroom." He pointed at a wall.

Niya,"But there is no bathroom or door, it's just a wall."

Joseph," Oh look over there, there's a button you just have to click on it and there will appear a bathroom."

Myra,"Oh that's cool!"

"Yeah. And you all will get your dresses in a wardrobe inside the bathroom. You just have to go in it one by one and click the green button, there you will get a dress of your size." And he left the room to make some breakfast for all of them.

The girls took a good shower, got dressed and went downstairs.

Sara," The dresses are really good, exactly of our size. Thank you Mr. Joseph."

"My pleasure, just call me Joseph. Let's have our breakfast now. Please sit on the chairs."

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