Chapter 6

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Myra,"Gee Niya that was superb!"

Niya laughed a little. Then they looked at the mobile and they saw that it was actually a video only, that was being recorded by a video camera.

Ashi,"Look, the things we have got from here are not kept at the place we have kept in fact they are kept in the cupboard."

Sara,"It means we have to keep these things in the cupboard at right places. So, will they show their true meaning?"

Myra,"Guess so, but in this video they are not kept simply, they all have being kept in a sequence and the light which is coming through that window in cupboard is making some patterns and words."

Ashi,"So, the vase is kept before the window and the mirror is kept facing it and then the mobile..... it's kept in the vase facing the mirror in a way such that the video's reflection is shown in the mirror."

They kept all the things according to the video but nothing happened.

Myra,"What's wrong, we did everything as it was shown."

Niya,"No,no wait, look there is a small chip that is attached to the mobile."

Sara,"Chip? But we didn't get any chip here."

Ashi was just looking at her right hand while others were discussing about the chip. There was a button on Ashi' s costume. She was thinking of the chip when she clicked it.

Ashi exclaimed,"Woah! Look what I got."

Sara nonchalantly,"Oh Ashi, what can you ge....."

She turned and looked that Ashi was holding the same chip in her hand.

Sara exclaimed,"Where did you get this?"

Ashi laughed,"Oh it was just kept here, you all might not have noticed."

Niya,"Oh shut up don't lie, tell where did you get it from? We were searching for it and we haven't seen it anywhere here."

Ashi,"Okay, okay, I imagined the chip and clicked the button, this one, on my costume and it appeared."

Myra,"Really, is there any button on ours too?"

She looked at her hands and she found button too. She clicked it and there appeared a smart sunglasses. She wore it.....

Myra,"Hey I can see what's in your pocket Ashi. It's the map. Wow I can look the hidden things through this."

Sara,"Amazing. Let me try mine."

She clicked it and got a painting brush.

Sara,"A painting brush.... What will I do with it?"

Niya,"Try to draw something with it."

She imagined a cupcake and moved the brush in air. And a cupcake was in front of her.

Sara,"Wow, I can draw things and they get real......"

She grabbed the cupcake but.....

Sara,"What the heck, why I cannot touch it? Is this a holographic image?"

Myra,"Yeah it is a holographic image. Means it can create a hologram of the drawn object. Cool! Niya try yours."

Niya clicked the button on her suit and there happened something unusual. A smoke appeared and two Niya were standing infront of them.

Ashi,"Oh My Goodness! What is this now, two Niya."

Both the Niya looked at each other and the right one said,"I am the real one."

Just then the left Niya said after a second,"I am the real one."

Right side one (Real Niya),"Woah it can make a duplicate of mine."

The second Niya repeated the same thing.

Ashi,"And it also repeats whatever you say just after a second."

They all look amazed and then they clicked the buttons again alternatively and the objects got disappeared. Except Ashi, she took the chip and attached it with the mobile and a bright light appeared from them. The objects got disappeared and there appeared a door.....

Sara,"Where this door will lead us?"

Ashi exclaimed with joy,"This is the entrance to the enchanted forest."

Niya,"Woah, really!"

Sara,"That's wonderful then."

Myra,"But wait a minute shall we really go in? Umm.....Forget it let's go." She said after thinking a while.

They went inside through the door and reached in another world and the door soon closed and disappeared. There was an extreme huge tree at some distance.

Niya,"Oh my! Such a gigantic tree

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Niya,"Oh my! Such a gigantic tree.", She said looking towards the top of it.

Suddenly some weird type of giant birds having sharp beaks appeared from the tree and began to attack them with electrical balls.

It dodged them and hit a stone and to their surprise.....

Myra screamed,"Aaaaah! The stone turned to ashes."


They ran as fast as they could but the giant birds followed them and kept attacking those balls towards them.

Myra,"Oh no! Where the hell are we trapped. They are gonna kill us."

Ashi clicked the button on her hand and imagined of a big house. And there appeared a house infront of them.

Ashi shouted,"Guys run towards the house and go inside."

They went inside the house.

Myra gasping,"What do we do now?"

Sara,"Ashi can you bring a dragon or a monster by your imagination?"

Ashi clicked the button and imagined of a dragon but nothing appeared.

Niya,"No, nothing appeared. Can you only bring non living things?"

Ashi in a confusing way,"I don't know but I think so."

Suddenly the giants threw some balls at the house and the house shoke and there appeared some large holes in the walls.

Myra,"Aahhh! What do we do, what do we do, what do we do?"

Niya,"Calm down first of all and think of a solution with peaceful mind."

They ran at the backside of the house and calmed themselves a little and began to think for a solution.

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