Chapter 12

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"Yes! I am thinking in the right direction." She arranged all the pictures.

After she was done,"Now, these jumbled code words are to be un-jumbled with their correct meanings according to our present adventure."

The jumbled words were:
taduenvrse , etcmihamnei , chentawlrdeond , frtouebturso , gmaclisadee.

Ashi looked at every word."Ugh! What type of jumbled words are these? They are too big or may be they have two words together in each, let's find out."

Pronouncing each letter of the first word she said," Hm, we are in the future world on an adventure to save the world with magical seed that's in this enchanted world. This word has d,v,t,a so can it be adventure?"

Saying this she started un-jumbling letters like the word adventure and surprisingly it was the right word with s in the last making it 'adventures'.

"Yay, the first one was easy let's check out the others too. The second one is.....mecha, uh no then, hatem.., nah... Temich...noo,wait wait um....time and mich.... No mechanic...uh no, no, no."

Ashi looked completely frustrated. She murmured some words,"Wait, time....time, what can it be?"

She looked at the pictures,"Machines, yes,YES! Time machine, it's time machine."

She un-jumbled the second word and it was also right.

"Two words together huh! This is not gonna be easy. Now the longest one.... Umm, chantelword, nope." She laughed.

"Rodents world, I don't even know what I am saying? The pictures may help....."

"Nah, there is nothing in the pictures. Is it enchanted world?" She looked at the the letters.

"Woah man! This is also correct.... Now two more left."

"Burst, turbo, no then fort, frost. What I am saying? Then bot.... Bots, Robots?? But what else with robots? The left letters are frutue, so um.....ah... Future? The word may be future robots." She nodded and typed the word future robots and it was correct.

"The last one left, the time is running out.", she looked at the last word.

"Hm so what can you be? Game....clad, Nah. Mage...idee.... Uh Mommy help me! This magical world is just...wait, magical. Dees, no seed, yeah magical seed isn't it?"

She entered the words and to her happiness it was also correct and there appeared the door to exit.

Ashi was amused at this,"Oh finally!"
And she ran out the exit door finding Myra and Sara talking.

Niya' s adventure:

Niya was moving in the dense forest when she suddenly heard a sound coming behind the bushes. She went in the direction of sound and found a little bird trapped in the bushes. She felt pity on the swallow( A swallow is a small bird with pointed wings and a forked tail). She softly picked her up and set her free. But Lo! The bird suddenly turned into a beautiful fairy.

Niya was bewildered,"Who are you?"

Fairy,"I am a fairy, you did a good deed and saved my life. I want to give you a gift for your good deed."

She did some magic on Niya with her wand and she got wings on her back.

"Wow! Wings!",she was so happy.

Fairy,"These will help you to reach the mischievous magical Arino."

"Arino? Who's it and why do I need to reach him?"

Fairy,"It is a magical monkey in this forest, it can shapeshift it's form into a bird anytime. You will have to touch it's tail in his monkey form and then only you will get the key to exit where you will further find magical seed."

Niya was glad listening this,"I only need to touch the tail of a monkey that's easy."

Fairy warned her,"It is not as easy as you think. It is super fast, that no one can get a hold of him,whenever you think you are close of him, he just fly away. Your wings will help you reach him. As it can disappear and reappear anywhere in this forest, your wings will take you to wherever Arino will be. But you need to be smart and fast to get him. Remember to touch it's tail."

Saying this the fairy disappeared.

Niya,"But wait where the monkey is right now? Oh no! She is gone, it's a monkey so, it should  be somewhere sitting on the trees only. I must search for him, but wait can my wings take me to wherever it is? Let me check."

She closed her eyes and wished to find the magical Arino and her wings started flapping and took her to where the monkey was. Sitting on a branch and eating a fruit. Niya slowly moved forward towards him but the monkey saw her and it ran away and in a moment and it was out of her sight.

"No, no. I will get you." And she ran behind him. She flew a bit so that the monkey cannot hear her footsteps. It was dark so, she on her watch' s flashlight and began to search on every tree.

She saw the monkey hiding behind the leaves of a tree. She slowly flew towards that branch but when she was so close, he saw her coming and suddenly turned itself into a bird and flew away.

Niya was taken aback with this.
"Oh! So, the fairy was right it can shapeshift itself into a very fast flying bird. I must get him this time."

She was determined and flapping her magical wings she followed the bird up in the clear sky. She even tried to catch it with her watch' s gadgets but all in vain as the bird gets disappeared and she then has to use her wings power to go after it.

This time also when she was about to get it, the bird disappeared and reappeared in it's original form of monkey and it climbed high upon a dense tree. Niya also came there following it, but the bird was nowhere in the sky, she looked down but still couldn't find it.

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