Chapter 17

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Niya kept the gadget back. "But how we will go, there are robots everywhere?"

Myra,"I guess you forgot the invisibility bands Niya."

Sara smiled,"And the electric sword to fight the robots in need."

Niya,"Oh yep! I completely forgot that Joseph has given us these gadgets."

Ashi,"So, let's go. Wear the bands and take the swords fast."

They wore the invisibility bands and flew to the place where they will have to sow the magical seed. When they came upon, they saw that there was tiled floor all around. They were shocked as without fertile soil how the seed's gonna grow?

Sara,"What to do now? How can we plant it on tiled floor?"

Ashi,"The map shows this place only and it can't be wrong. Just keep the seed at this place."

Niya bent and kept the seed there and magically it went inside the ground and soil appeared everywhere in place of tiled floor. Ashi happily took out the magical source of light and it went just above where the seed was sown.

Myra gaily said,"It already has carbon dioxide everywhere, we only need water." She got sad as they still were not able to find the true water drops.

Niya kept her hand on her shoulder and said positively,"Don't worry, we will definitely get it like others, only this would be more difficult."

Sara,"Or I should say the most..."

Ashi,"Now what to do? Fight the robots and try to figure out anyhow the true droplets... What shall we do?"

They all grew sad. Sara,"We don't have any other option rather than going to Jester's place."

Niya awkwardly looked at her,"That scary looking robot building. It's completely filled with dangers."

Sara,"But we can't do anything, at least we should try to escape Joseph."

Myra,"Sara is right. We have to do it."

They all agreed and grouped themselves in two and parted their ways when they reached. The building was escorted by robots and flying robots as well. Myra and Ashi carefully went near the entrance and Sara and Niya went backside.

Ashi was in front and Myra was behind her, as she was about to enter through the entrance she bumped into something, which was electric and it gave a small shock to her and she fell down and got visible again. Myra screamed her name but she cannot hear as the visibles cannot hear invisibles. She went towards her but Alas! Ashi was surrounded by robots in no minutes.

Ashi tried to fly but she was tied by robots. Myra moved back from the entrance, she was going to attack the robots who were taking Ashi inside but she saw Jester coming out to the robots. Ashi was trying her best to get away from them but all in vain, she angrily looked at Jester who was wickedly smiling, gazing her back. He instructed something to the flying robots and they took Ashi inside.

Myra was scared with what he will do with her, she flew to Sara and Niya and to her relief they didn't get inside the building, she went to them.....

"Sara, Niya stop! Don't try to enter inside or you will be caught like Ashi." Tears came in her eyes, "They captured her and took her inside and I didn't do anything because Jester was with them... I... I am so scared..."

Niya and Sara stopped her in between,"What!" Sara asked her,"Ashi is caught! But how, wasn't she invisible?" Niya,"Yeah, how this happened, stop crying and tell us everything Myra."

Myra sniffled,"I just don't know, she bumped into something invisible and electrical and when she fell down, she was visible to all and they took her...."

Niya,"Jester is much more than we thought, he might have known that we will come to him and he did this."

Sara,"Forget about this now. First think how're we gonna escape Ashi?"

On the other side Ashi was brought to Jester in a big control room. She struggled to free herself,"Leave me Jester! You fraud." She gave him an angry look. He looked at her,"I will soon free you but you have to do something for me."

Ashi,"Don't even imagine that I am going to help you in your any bad work." Jester burst out an evil laugh,"I know you will never do it purposely, but what if....." He threw a chip on her and it got placed on her watch. She shrugged but instead of falling the chip got inserted in her wristwatch and suddenly Ashi stood straight without any motion and with an  emotionless face.

Jester laughed,"If I control your mind. Now you will help me capture your other friends as well so that they cannot create problems in my work."

He commanded her to get invisible and go to her friends, now she will even say whatever Jester will ask her to. "And yes, you will remember all the memories of before but will be in my control and soon I will control all of you." He laughed.

The other side Sara, Myra and Niya were searching another way to get in. When they saw Ashi coming towards them. (The invisibles can see and hear other invisibles but the visible cannot) They were overwhelmed with joy seeing her safe and back but were confused too.

Myra hugged her,"Oh my God Ashi. I can't believe you're back, how did you manage to escape?"

Niya,"Did Jester hurt you or did something to you, are you okay?"

Ashi,"Yes I am alright. Jester freed me and I fought with some robots and managed to escape somehow."

Sara,"Oh! we are so glad to see you."

Myra was not very convinced with her reply she thought something and asked,"Ashi, what was the name of the school in which we all were together?"

Ashi,"(So and So) But why are you asking this now?"

Myra smiled,"Only to confirm you are our real Ashi."

Sara,"She gave the right answer now decide something to find the true water drops."

Niya,"Ah! Firstly what does this even mean? TRUE WATER!"

Ashi,"I know where it is, come with me. Jester showed it to me in a room before I escaped. Let me take you all there.

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