Chapter 16

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Sara explained,"Look we have future's elastic ropes and it can get very long. So, if we take out all the rope and tie it's one end on hands of three of us and the last end will be attached with the last one's watch. So, we can go in different ways and then may be we will be able to get some clues to exit."

Niya,"Okay. It will be better." They tied the ropes as said and Sara has attached the last end with her watch so that if more rope will be needed it will come out from her watch.They all went on different ways, with their flashes on.

After moving for about an hour, Myra spotted a light she moved towards it. And she found that it was the exit door. She jumped with joy and pulled the rope to give the signal to others.

Niya saw her rope being pulled,"Why is Myra pulling the rope, may be she found the exit

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Niya saw her rope being pulled,"Why is Myra pulling the rope, may be she found the exit. I must give signal to others."

She and Ashi did the same and began to move in the ways the rope was and they alternatively found Myra who was standing happily near the exit door. When Ashi reached them, Niya asked her if she has give signal to Sara also and she replied positively.

Sara who got the signal from Ashi was also moving in the ways the rope was but suddenly her flashlight went out. "What? NO, don't! Oh my God its so dark here." She grabbed the rope from one hand and began to move very carefully. She bumped her head many times in the wall still she kept moving.

Suddenly she heard a low voice from behind, she gulped and turned back. Finding a slender figure standing near her, because of dark she could not tell what it was but suddenly she saw its two red glowing eyes staring at her angrily and a red glowing mouth with everything black outside, a shiver went down her spine.

 Finding a slender figure standing near her, because of dark she could not tell what it was but suddenly she saw its two red glowing eyes staring at her angrily and a red glowing mouth with everything black outside, a shiver went down her spine

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The figure screamed aloud making Sara close her ears tightly.
She was asure that it was a ghostly figure coming nearer and nearer towards her, she screamed and ran as fast as she could following the rope. Ghost was one of her worst fears. She turned back and saw the figure coming towards her. Closer And Closer!! She cried and ran even faster calling her friends' names, pulling the rope even harder.

Myra,"Sara is pulling the rope. Maybe she is near."

Niya,"Did you guys hear that?"

Ashi turned back,"Yes. It's Sara's scream. Is she's in danger? We must go right now."

Niya,"I am going to search her, hold the rope tightly." Saying this she went to search Sara following the rope.

The ghost was coming near Sara with its bloodshot red eyes. She closed her eyes, ran along the rope. She turned back after a few minutes and found that it was gone. She sighed with relief but as she turned, she saw that ghost right in front of her. She screamed loudly, her legs trembled so hard that she fell down shaking with fear. "No, please...d.d...don't kill me." The ghost raised its long hand towards her, she closed her eyes gasping and breathing heavily when she heard Niya' s voice calling her.

She did not open her eyes and after a moment she felt someone's hand on her shoulder. She screamed again and open her eyes. Niya,"It's me, it's me. Calm down Sara, what happened? Why are you all in cold sweat?"

Sara cried,"Oh Niya! Thank you for coming..... Or, or the demon might have killed me... By now." She hugged her tightly. Niya was confused but she didn't ask her anything, she hold her up and said,"It's gone now. Come with me, we found the exit and all are waiting for us."

She went with her and after sometime they met others standing worried. Sara gulped and exhaled deeply, she calmed herself up and hugged Myra and Ashi. Seeing her situations they both also didn't ask her anything. They all went out of the exit door.

A voice from the sky came,"You all did a very good job. Here's your reward the magical source of light for magical seed." And down came a magical ball of light towards them. Ashi happily stored it in her wristwatch.

Myra exclaimed with joy,"Finally we made it and found the light too." Sara thought something and on her flashlight, it was working very well. She was awestruck. She spoke,"But.....When I was coming to you all, my flash went out and I saw a ghostly figure chasing me...."

They all looked at her with wide eyes. Myra hold her hand and smiled,"Whatever it was, it is gone. We are done with it, don't worry." Sara looked at her and smiled warmly. "Yeah."

The voice from sky came,"Now you all should return to the future. Unexpected things are happening there. You will get the drops of water in future world. This map will lead you to the place you will have to sow the magical seed." They took the map and before they could ask something further, in a blink of an eye they reached back in future world.

Ashi,"But how will we get the drops of water here?"

Myra,"We don't know. But we'll find out."

Niya,"Let's go to Joseph and tell him that we finally found the seed and light." They all went to Joseph's house but the scene they saw shocked them completely. The house was manned by robots all around and laser cage was all around the house.

Niya took out the gadget Joseph has given to communicate with him, and was about to click it but Sara stopped her. "If Jester has imprisoned Joseph then he may track our call to him. We ought to sow this seed in it's place to defeat Jester's bad intension."

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