Chapter 4

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Saying this he began to serve the food.

"Wait the food will fell on the ground!" exclaimed Ashi. But to her surprise, the food started floating in the air instead of falling on the floor and suddenly there appeared bowls around the food.

Niya,"What's this? Again future stuffs?"

Joseph laughed,"Yes. Yesterday night I have already served the food before you all came down so, that surprised you."

They all were eating together and after they have finished......

Myra,"So, where will we find the magical seed? It will be our first task, won't it be?

Joseph," Yeah you got it right and the map will show you the place you are gonna find. But remember you will get the seed in an enchanted forest which is not in our world, it's in another world. And the sunlight and the rain..... You can store the source of light in your watch."

Ashi,"But how can we trap the sunlight, I mean it's energy, we literary cannot trap energy."

Joseph,"Oh of course you can't trap sunlight but you will get something like a source that is bright like sunlight and when it will touch the seed it will do it's work. And the rain...... Um, I don't actually know that where you will get the raindrops but Gerald told me that you can only water the magical seed with the true drops of water."

Sara,"Can't we just simply pour the normal water in the soil?"

"No, it's a magical seed and according to him true water can only be poured in it. I don't know either what he meant but you will soon find about this."said Joseph.

They seem confused with what he said but still they knew that they will somehow solve this mystery too.

Niya,"Okay but where we will get the entrance of the enchanted forest?"

"The map will lead you to that place and when you will see the green spot on the map then it means that you are much close to it. Remember, the things related to enchanted forest aren't the same as what they look like."

Myra,"But what if the robots catch us during our search?"

Joseph,"They couldn't because of this." He clicked a button on their bands and the bands turned blue and they looked the same like his band that he was wearing around his neck.

"Now the robots won't catch you, because they will think that you all are also slaves of Jester. These bands are worn by everyone so, that they cannot go outside this world. But your bands are not like those, these won't control you like other's bands."

Ashi,"Oh great, so, because of these only you can't go yourself to find the seed."

Joseph,"You are right, now I think you all must leave now."

Sara said excitedly,"Okay we are ready for the adventure."

"All the very best girls. You will definitely succeed."said Joseph happily while the friends left his house.

Myra while reading the map,"Okay, so we are here and there appear some roads before the green spot and we have to follow them. Let's go."

Niya,"And our true adventures beginnnn! I am super excited......"

They were following the roads according to the map, when suddenly.....

Sara,"Robots are approaching towards us, hide the map fast."

Myra kept the map in her pocket.

Niya,"Click the button on the neck band."

The robots came near them and keenly looked at them, they were wearing bands and their eye pupils were turned blue, so, the robots left.

They sighed with relief.

"Now run fast from here or we will get caught.", said Ashi.

They looked at the map again and this time something went wrong, the map showed two green spots at different places when they came across two roads. The spots were on both roads.

Sara,"What the heck! Why is this map showing two green spots, there must not be two doors to enchanted forest."

Niya,"And we don't have enough time to go at both the places to search. The robots will suspect us."

Ashi,"Do we have to choose one way, because only one of these roads will lead us to the right entrance? But how we will decide that which road we must go on?"

Myra,"I think we must seperate in two groups and both groups should go on both the ways."

Niya,"But we have only one map....."

Ashi,"Even what if something is wrong with the other way. We will fall in trouble Myra."

Sara,"Ashi is right we cannot risk each other's lives. I think we all should go together on both the roads and whatever will happen, will happen to all of us together."

Myra and Niya,"Okay, We agree with you."

Ashi,"Let's choose the right path first it may be the right road."

Sara,"Okay let's go."

They were moving cautiously on the road, after some time.... Their watches started to beep.

Niya,"Danger! Let's hide somewhere, but there is no place to hide."

Myra,"We will have to fight then, look there are only two robots. If there will be any danger we will use our watches. Okay?"

All together,"Okay."

The robots came near. And looked at them carefully. They scanned them, said something in code language and left.

"What did they say?", asked Sara.

Ashi,"No idea, forget about it, we must hurry or we will soon fall in trouble."

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