Chapter 15

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When Ashi came back in her consciousness, she found it very dark all around her. She could barely see her hands, but where were her friends?

Ashi called out their names aloud,"Myra! Niya! Sara! Where are you all?" No reply came, she spoke to herself,"Firstly where am I? Why is it so dark all around me?"

Suddenly she spotted a very little amount of light coming from afar, she started moving towards it, when she bumped into something....

Ashi,"Ouch! What is here?" She touched that thing, it was something hard. She on the flashlight of her wristwatch but it was very low.

"Why is it not working properly, ah! No problem, I somehow have to manage in it." She moved the flashlight and found that she bumped into a wall a very large wall, she further checked on other sides.

" She moved the flashlight and found that she bumped into a wall a very large wall, she further checked on other sides

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Ashi,"Is it a maze?" She began to move in the direction of the light following the open ways of the maze.

She kept out calling her friends names and suddenly she heard a response in a very low voice. It was of Sara. While she moved in that direction, she heard another voice from above.

"Ashi, Myra, Sara, Niya, you all are trapped in the dark maze. To the exit of which you will find the source of light for magical seed."

Sara,"I can hear Ashi' s voice, she ought to be somewhere near me." She was also following her voice using her flashlight.

Ashi,"Oh no! If I will follow Sara's voice, I will loose the light. Maybe it's of the exit. She again called Sara,"Sara, if you can hear me listen, follow the light if you can see any, as that may be the exit and keep speaking aloud to be in touch."

Sara,"Its Ashi. I can hear you but I cannot see any other light, I am coming towards you. Don't stop speaking." She shouted.

On the other side Niya and Myra were still searching a way to get to others. When Myra also saw the light and she started moving towards it.

After much effort, Ashi and Myra were much close to the light. Suddenly they both heard Niya' s voice calling their names coming from somewhere near that light. They called her name back.

Niya,"Finally I can hear their calls. Ashi, Sara I am here. If you can see a light come towards it please. "

They happily said,"We are coming." Ashi and Myra met each other at a point and began to move together towards Niya.

Ashi called out Sara's name aloud but no response came back. Myra,"What's the matter?"

Ashi replied,"I was in touch with Sara for sometime but I cannot hear her voice anymore. I wonder if she is alright."

Myra,"She must be alright. Firstly let's get to Niya so, we can together search for her." Ashi agreed and they again started moving towards the light and to their happiness they soon reached Niya. She was holding the magical seed and the light was being emitted from it.

They all were glad to reunite again but something was wrong, Myra looked at her, she was looking different. She ignored it but suddenly Ashi whispered something in her ears.

"Why is Niya not wearing her wristwatch? And her flying boots are also not in her feet."

Myra,"Don't she look suspicious? Wait a second everything will be clear...." Saying this she asked Niya,"Wasn't the Daisy mountain's scenes looking beautiful in the evening Niya, on the day we met Dr. Gerald who later gave us food to eat as we were hungry since morning? The beautiful, famous Daisy mountain?"

Niya nervously answered,"Oh yeah! Daisy mountain was beautiful and the encounter with Dr. Gerald was pretty good too. But why are you asking this?"

Ashi and Myra clicked the laser net button and tied her with ropes and laser net. "What are you doing? Why are you tying this rope around and trapping me?"

Ashi,"Because you are not our Niya. The description you told us was all wrong. There was no Daisy mountain, we met Dr. Gerald on Mena mountains when he was trapped in a net, wounded!"

Myra shouted at the fake Niya,"So,tell us who the heck are you? Where is our real Niya?"

The fake Niya smiled and disappeared. Ashi,"Where did she go?" Suddenly they heard Sara's voice.

Sara was with real Niya. She called their names and Myra replied,"Sara, can you hear me?"

Sara's voice echoed,"Yes I can. I am with Niya. Where are you both?"

Ashi,"We are coming to you."

Sara said to Niya,"Hey why don't you use the magical seed' s light to signal them. It's light is so bright, use it."

Niya agreed and she took out the magical seed from her watch and taking it in her hand she whispered,"Please glow up please."

And it really glowed with all it's brightness, Myra and Niya finally saw the light and moved towards it.

"Ah! Can't we use our flying boots to see beyond these walls?"asked Ashi.

Myra exhaled sadly,"No we can't. I don't know why they are not going higher. And these flashlights are also very low."

Ashi,"Oh yeah. I have also the same problem may be it's magic of this illusory maze." She sighed. They began to move and finally they were able to find Niya and Sara. They were all very happy on getting reunited and hugged each other happily.

Niya,"But how will we find the exit?"

Myra,"There is no clue of finding it. If we will find together then also it will take years to get out."

Sara,"I have an idea. At least may be it will do some good."

Ashi,"What is it, tell us."

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