Missing You/Christmas Special

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Pete woke up a couple hours later and I gave him the dinner I made for us. We ate in silence, kinda awkward, and laid on the couch. "Patrick?" He asked after a long silence.


"Are we okay?" He looked up at me with those beautiful chocolate eyes.

"Of course. Why wouldn't we be?" I replied.

"It just seems different. Like something changed."

"I know. We're changing. We're growing up. We're living our dream. Everything is fine." I ran a hand though his hair and we stayed quiet a while longer. "Why?"

"I just missed a woman's touch, I guess. You know what happened with my other boyfriend. I just don't want it to happen again. You could start abusing me, not that I'm saying you will. There's always a chance you'll come home drunk and do bad things." He explained.

"Pete, I would never do anything to hurt you. Ever. I don't believe in getting drunk. I saw what happened to my mum. I don't want it to happen to me. I would even get hurt to protect you."

"I know. I'm just an idiot."

"No. You might be stupid, but you aren't an idiot." He chuckled and I leaned down. He smiled and kissed me.

I kissed back and rubbed his side with one hand, keeping the other in his hair. He put his arm around me and sat up a little more. We heard the sound of a camera and pulled away. We saw Joe and Andy, Andy typing on his phone. We got Twitter alerts. He tweeted the picture with a caption of 'This is totally normal. Patrick might be getting some ass tonight. Break Twitter with #Peterick  @PatrickStump @PeteWentz'

"Nice Andy." I commented.

"Yeah. Thanks." Pete said. I pecked his lips again and smiled. He chuckled slightly and cuddled into me.

"Wait, how'd you get in?" I asked.

"We stole Patrick's key and made copies. Duh." Joe explained.

"So that's why I couldn't find my key for a while." I stated. Pete chuckled and I laid down.

"No. I was comfy." He whined.

"Come here." I beckoned. He laid in front of me and I put my arm around him.

"He's home early." Joe said.

"Don't." I warned. Pete sniffled and rolled over. I intertwined our legs and Pete laid his head on my chest. "Awe. Hun, its okay." I whispered. I kissed his head.

"I just miss her so much." He mumbled. I rubbed his back and Andy whispered something to Joe. Joe walked over and kneeled behind Pete.

He played with his hair and Andy came over. "It's okay, Pete." Andy soothed and rubbed his arm. He started to cry into my shirt and I realized it was already eleven pm.

"Guys, go on upstairs. It's already eleven. I'll get him to bed." I commanded. They nodded and headed to bed. "Cmon baby."

I stood and picked him up, with some difficulty. I walked up the stairs and put him to bed. I stripped to my boxers and went towards the door. "Patrick?" He asked.

"I'm just gonna check on them. I'll be back in a minute. Don't worry." I answered. He nodded slightly and I walked out.

I made my way to their room. "Save the sex for your bedroom. Do you need anything?"

"No. We're good."

"Mkay." I said. I left and headed to our bedroom. I put my glasses away after using the bathroom. I laid beside Pete and he clung to me. "I love you." I whispered in his ear, kissing it lightly.

"I love you, too." He returned. He smiled into my neck. "Thank you, Patrick."

"For what?" I asked.

"Staying even though I'm stupid for cheating on the best guy ever. Dealing with my crying."

"We all cry. You just just someone you love. I understand that. I would cry if I lost you. I would cry a lot. You're doing the same. Don't worry, Hun. I'm not leaving anytime soon."

"And for holding me."


"Thank you...babe." He said, contimplating if he should use a nickname.

"You can start calling me my nick names again. It's kinda weird with you calling me Patrick all the time." I reassured. He smiled and rubbed my bare chest.

I placed my lips on his head and felt the familiar electricity run through my body. "I never wanna lose that spark." He murmured, half asleep.

"Go to sleep, Hun." I commanded. He fell asleep with me a couple minutes later.


"Patrick! Get up! It's Christmas!" Pete yelled, bouncing on the bed. 

"No. I want more sleep." I argued. He got me up at two am to fuck me. No. I'm sleeping in.

"But its Christmas." He stated, his tone falling to one of pure sadness.

I sighed and sat up. I rubbed my face and put my glasses on. "It's six, Hun." I stated.

"'M sorry." He mumbled, dropping his head.

"Its okay." I chuckled. I made him look at me and pecked his lips. I got up, him following suit. We made our way downstairs where his mum and sister were waiting.

I took his hand as we sat down. He cuddled into me and his mum smiled at me. "Morning." I said as Taylour sat.

"Awe! You two are so cute. But, when did Pete become feminine?" Taylour asked.

"I don't know. He just does this now." I answered.

"Maybe we should go back to our old ways."

"Yeah. I like being held at night." I agreed. He sat up and I cuddled into him.

"I like this better." I nodded and Macy, Pete's mum, handed him a box. (If I already gave her a name I'm sorry. I can't remember it.)

I told them not to get me anything. We sat there, opening presents and such. Pete grabbed one and handed it to me.

"I know we said no gifts, but I wanted to give you this." He said.

"I got you something to. It's thay long box." I grabbed it and gave it to him.

"What the fuck did you get me?" He asked. I chuckled and he started unwrapping it. I took the top off mine and saw a little puppy.

I picked her up and held her as Pete struggled. He finally got the paper off and set it down. He grabbed my face and crashed his lips into mine. I smiled and kissed back. We pulled back minutes later, panting like we just ran ten miles.

"Thank you." He whispered.

"No problem. Thanks for the puppy." I mumbled. "But one more thing. Take it out."

He pulled the new bass out of the box and smiled. I had our logo put on the purple bass. (His clothing line will be part of their merch line. The logo is my circle picture.) On the back I put love Patrick.

"I like the back." He said. "Thank you. So much."

"No problem. You needed a new one."

"And you needed a puppy." He added. I chuckled and petted her.

"Name her." I commanded.

"You're puppy." He reminded.

"Our puppy." I corrected. "You like Sara?"

"Almost as much as I love you."

"Enough cutness for today." Macy said. I smiled and Sara jumped off my lap.

We ate and played with Sara all day. Pete played his bass a lot. Joe and Andy came over and we practiced a little. We continued our cuteness and did a Q and A on Twitter. It was a perfect day. Pete acted like himself. It even snowed, making Joe and Andy stay over. We went to bed around ten.

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