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"Sara! Don't scratch my face. It's too precious." Pete yelled, waking me up. I've been sleeping a lot more than usual lately.

"Pete, you're face isn't that presious." I mumbled and buried my head into the pillow, its already four." He pointed out. "I think something is wrong. You slept for 41 hours, hun."

"No. I only slept for seventeen. It's Tuesday because Christmas was yesterday."

"It's Wednesday." He showed me his phone.

"I don't know. I feel fine." I said. He laid beside me and I cuddled into him. He kissed my forehead and rubbed my arm.

"Have you had this problem before?" He asked. I nodded.

"My depression is coming back." I whispered. (I am not a doctor. Don't trust me with this shit.)

"Why? Aren't you happy?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm really happy. Maybe its because this was a bad time for me when I was younger."

"It's okay, baby. We'll get through this. Together." I looked up at him and smiled. "There's that smile I love." I chuckled slightly and he looked at my lips. "I didn't get a kiss yesterday. Or today."

I kissed him and put my arms around his neck. He kissed back and snaked his arms around my waist. "Boys-" Macy said as she walked in. We pulled apart and I blushed. "I gotta go. My boss needs me at work. You're sister is finishing dinner right now. Don't break anything, especially the bed, and stay safe."

"MKay." Pete answered and held me. She smiled at us and left. "Cmon. Let's go downstairs and help my sister."

I nodded and got up. Sara stood up and followed us downstairs. We helped her finish dinner and ate, well I kinda ate.

"So, Patrick, how'd you sleep?" She asked.

"It was good. I guess."

"I wish I could sleep like that."

"No. You don't. I know exactally why I'm sleeping like this. Pete, you have to start waking me up or it'll get worse." I answered. Pete nodded and took my hand.

"So. How's the search for the lucky guy?"

"Horrible. There's no cute and smart guys." She groaned.

"I know one." I offered.


"Pete." I answered and smiled. He kissed my cheek.

"Such an ass. I need a man. And since Patrick is already taken by my dear brother."

"I've been gay since middle school. You're a pretty girl, but they aren't my thing. I prefer dick. Strictly dickly." I replied. He kissed my hand and smiled.

Someone scratched at my leg. I looked down and saw Sara. "Wanna go outside?" I asked. She wagged her tail. "Excuse me." I mumbled and got up. 

"Patrick, sit and enjoy dinner. I got this." Pete hurriedly said.

"Um, okay."

Pete's POV

I let Sara out and went to the pool house. He goes in here a lot, but I locked it. I went in with my key and made sure my surprise was still there. I heard someone walking and threw a tarp over it.

"Pete, I thought you said we couldn't come out here. That it was unsafe." Patrick pointed out. I started walking to him and tripped over the tarp, pulling it with me.

"Patrick don't look. Close your eyes." I demanded.

"I already saw it, Pete."

"Damn it." I whispered.

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