America Sweethearts

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Please read AN at the end.

April 7th

I smiled as I walked to the doors with Pete's mum. They opened the doors and we walked down the aisle. A giant smile covered my face when I saw Pete at the end of the aisle. When I got closer, he walked down the stairs. His mum kissed our heads and sat down. Pete took my hand and led us to the person.

"We are gathered here today to witness the marrige of Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump. They have decided to write their own vows. Pete, you may begin." He instructed.

"Patrick, I cant even begin to tell you how much you mean to me. You mean everything to me. Yeah, we've had our fights but every couple does. I love you so much. It hurts me to see you sad. I just wanty baby to be happy. I know when we met, I wasnt the kindest. But one thing led to another and here we are. We're getting married. Youve made my dreams come true and Im doing it with the best person ever. I don't know what's gonna happen in the future, but I know its gonna be with you. I love you Patrick Martian Vaughn Stump. That's the last time I'll be able to say that." He recited. He wiped my tears with his thumbs and kissed my head.

"Damnit Pete, why do you have to be so damn cute?" I teased. Everyone laughed. "Pete, I hope you know I love you more. Don't even try it boy. I love you and need you more than anything. You're my everything. I wasn't in a good place, but then you came along and I found my happiness. Youve helped me though everything. We've had our bad moments, but we're always okay the next day. I never thanked Joe and Andy for making me go to that party. If I didn't, I wouldn't be marrying the best man in the world. I love you, Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the III. Damn you have a long name."

"Pete, do you take Patrick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked.

"I do." He answered. I smiled.

"Patrick, do you take Pete to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asked me.

"Do I have to?" I thought for a second. "I do. As long as I can still kick your ass at guitar hero."

"Course, Hun." Pete agreed.

"I know pronounce you Mr. and Mr. Wentz. You may kiss your groom."

Pete pulled me in and kissed me. Everyone clapped and cheered. He put his hands on the back of my thighs. I smiled and pulled back.

"Back." I said. He nodded and I jumped on his back. I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my arms around his neck. "I love you." I whispered into his ear.

He ran to the limo and threw me in. "I love you too." He whispered as he climbed ontop of me. He shut the door and kissed me. "Drive slow!" He yelled to the driver. He closed the curtain and started taking my clothes off. It was gonna be thirty minutes so we had plenty of time.

I took his tux off and he grabbed the lube. I bucked my hips, telling him I needed some type of friction, and he started grinding on me. I started moaning, not too loud, and he pushed in. He started moving and yeah. We had sex in the back of a limo. We changed into our regular clothes after drinking water and wiping our sweat off.

We sat in the back and he put his arm around me. I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Patrick Wentz."

"I like the sound of that. I love you, too, Pete Wentz." I smiled and pulled my phone out.

'@PatrickWentz: I love my husband so much. @PeteWentz '

Twitter went crazy after that. A lot of people were saying congratulations and telling us how cute we were. Pete kissed my head and told the driver he could speed up. We got out when we arrived and ran in. Everyone cheered but Alex on the other hand yelled.


"You bet on if we had sex or not?" I asked.

"Yup!" He answered. Zach handed him fourty dollars.

Pete laughed and put his arm around my waist. We walked around and started to our table. Everyone was being loud and a couple people were dancing. Jack, Alex, Vic, Kellin, Rian, and Zach got up. They started dancing. I got up and grabbed Pete's hand. I pulled him up and dragged him to the dance floor. I started dancing with him. Everyone was on the dance floor.

I started grinding on Pete and he grabbed my hips. I smirked and Jack came over. "Congratulations guys." He beamed.


"Um, I'm gonna go find Lexi." He smiled and left to look for his boyfriend.

I smiled as I turned and looked at Pete. He kissed me and rubbed my back. "So beautiful." He whispered and caressed my cheek.

I blushed and pecked his lips. Even after three years together, I still get butterflies when I kiss him. He ran a hand through my hair.

"How can one human be so beautiful?" He asked.

"I don't know. I'm looking at him right now, though." I answered.

"No no, Patrick. You will always be the most beautiful person I ever see. No one comes close to you." He kissed me again and I smiled.

We broke apart after a couple minutes and I laid my head on his chest. We slowed danced like all the other couples. He held me close as we swayed with the music.

"You're so beautiful Patrick. I don't think I've told you lately. But you are. Don't let anyone tell you different. You're the most beautiful person I'll ever see. That anyone will ever see." He spoke softly over the crowd. I sniffled and wiped the stray tears from my eyes.

"Don't make the bride cry, Peter!" Austin yelled.

"There tears of happiness. Leave me alone. Hes too sweet." I yelled back. Pete wiped my last tears and kissed my head.

"GUYS! THERES FOOD!" Vic yelled as they finished opening the trays. Everyone ran over and Pete picked me up. I squealed and he chuckled.

"Damn you're light." He murmured as we got into the back of the line.

I chuckled. "Am not." I hit his chest lightly.

"Are too." He argued. I opened my mouth to fight back, but he glared at me. "Dont. You are light." I rolled my eyes and hopped down when we got to the food.

We got food and went to our table. We ate and talked with our bitches. We cut the cake and I shoved it in his face. He laughed and put his in my face. He licked it off my face.

"You taste good." He murmured in my ear.

"He isnt to...salty, is he?" Tony asked.

"Nope." Pete answered. I laughed and wiped my face off.

Since we love music, our cake had black and white treble cleffs. Along with the bass cleff and different notes. We cut and served the cake, leaving everyone else to serve themselves to the desert bar. It was really fun.

Everyone left after a little more hanging around. We said no gifts. Pete's mum and sister our moving into my house. Im covering all the cost. Its a nice house. Four bedrooms, four bathrooms, big basement, open floor plan, fully furnished. They said that we should have plenty of room fir a family. I guess Macy wants grandchildren.

We're taking a break for about four years to get everything going. We would still record to have prepared albums. We all agreed that if we do adopt kids, we can take them on tour. Andy and Joe want kids and so do I. Pete and I agreed we would get kids soon after our marrige. We would go to an ophangahe or some shit.

Pete drove us home and we got into bed. I cuddled into him and he put his arms around me. We had a couple rounds before bed. We decided on no honeymoon, simply because we dont want one.

This is the best life I could ever ask for. I wouldbt give this up for the world.

How would you feel about a hybrid fan fic? Im writing an Auliver. After thats done, Ill write one if you guys are cool with it. I just relized their isnt many. I dont know what ship. I was thinking: Jalex or Ollic (Kellin from SWS and Oli from BMTH).


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