The "Last Mission"

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Ali woke up early as he is ready for the last mission that will be given to him today. He get himself ready for the day where he will contribute his last in the organization, the final mission.

Ali: Let's go Comot !

Comot meows and hops into Ali's bag like she usually does, going to M.A.T.A HQ in Ali's bag. It is unimaginable how does she is able to breath or sit comfortablly in that small backpack. Ali takes his trusty scooter and went off to Mamak Maju, the only access way to HQ. Unlike last time, today he's join by Bakar, Alicia and surprisingly Rudy who looks grumpy as always.

Ali: Uh hai, Rudy ?

Rudy: What !?

Bakar: Will you two ever get along ? I'm just saying.

Alicia: Yeah, you should try to get along. It will affect in missions.

Rahul came, as he came to take their order. Bakar spoke . . .

Bakar: The usual please.

Rahul: Um, which usual ?

Ali: There is another code ?

Bakar: Oh, hehe no. Just my usual is special fried rice.

Alicia: Uncle Rahul, he means the "code".

Rahul: Oh right ! *snaps fingers*

Then the dance thing begin as being distracted, the other customers pay no attention to their surroundings. Ali and his agent gang get their feet buckled up and went down the drop with full speed. Finally, on the bottom of the drop, a few flying small drons flew around them and shoot pixels at their bodies replacing their casual cloths to their agent attires. Ali styled his hair to his usual agent identity and they went to the briefing room where the Pillars and General Rama are waiting for them.

G.Rama: Is everyone here ?

Bakar: All are here, General !

G.Rama: Good, now we have some intel that Analogman the person responsible for nearly blowing up the newly built Cyber-bridge three years ago, is trying a second attempt to blow it to dust.

Alicia: So we need to stop them ?

Dayang: Yes, *opens holograms* but he is attempting to do it at night time . But beware th-

Ganz: The men that are following him have very powerful and upgraded weaponry ! Be extra careful !

Rudy: Why don't replace Ali with Bulat, or Khai or agent Fit ? He'll totally mess it up.*gives Ali a mocking smirk*

Ali: I understand, I'll back out from this mission.

Ganz: No, this is you're last mission Ali, I don't want to replace you with anyone else.

Dayang: Yes, for the first time ever, I agree with Ganz. Ali will no longer serve M.A.T.A under his request.

Bakar: What !? Ali, you are quiting ?

Ali: Dad, he knew about everything . He wants me to resign.

Rudy: Ceh, daddy's son.



R,G: He-

Dayang: Let him.

Ali: You don't know anything about my father ! He . . . .

Ali POV Flashback 2 months ago

I was giving Comot a bath, which is very very hard without getting clawed by her. After finishing with her bath, I heard a loud thump downstairs . I rush down and saw Dad on the floor passed out. I tried to get him to wake up but he won't so I called his personal doctor to come over and check him.

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