Returning Old Enemies

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Boboiboy and his remaining comrades are at the temporary TAPOPS base that was actually an old base. It wasn't used for many years and it has many broken, damaged equipment, lots of rusted metal fragments and parts are falling apart. The remaining members of TAPOPS are less than 20 and most of them are badly injured. Only team Boboiboy is still standing perfecly fine, even Admiral Tarung has a broken arm and leg.

A.Tarung: As you all know that many of our comrades are now deceased including some of the high ranks.

Kokoci: Including Grand Admiral Amato, the Founder Of TAPOPS. We are sorry for your loss Boboiboy.

Bbb: It's okey, it already happened.

Yaya: *puts hand on shoulder* It's gonna be alright, you'll figure it out.

Bbb: *blush* Thanks, Yaya.

Ying: Hehe, lovers I see .

Yaya: Whatever, now let's just go and calm down ourselves. *pushes bbb*

Gopal: All this lover's thing is making me hungry.

Fang: Well why don't you marry the food that you always wanted. *smirk*

Gopal: I'm a human, a living being, I can't marry food ! Where's your brain ?!

Fang: Prrfttt ! I-haha ! I thought you are dumb enough to believe me. Turns out that you do think.

Gopal: Please, don't insult me ! I'm still right at my mind, you know ?!

Ying: I agree, you are an idiot, a big one.

A.Tarung: Now focus, um where's Boboiboy ?

Boya: Here !

A.Tarung: Alright, we don't have a base of operations anymore so we will try to form an alliance with one of Earth's defence force. But with Ochobot's energy is low after escaping the doomed space station, we have to travel there by spaceship.

Gopal: Umm, aren't there other space stations, Admiral ?

Kokoci: Sadly, the all the other space stations are attacked at the same time as we were. These are no ordinary attacks, whoever is behind all this is very cunning and smart.

Yaya: So how long will the journey take ?

A.Tarung: The fastest we can reach Earth is about 4 weeks or more.

Gopal: FOUR WEEKS !? I can barely stand a whole day in a spaceship, this is insanity !

Fang: Atleast we don't have to "swim" space to get there ! You big lump of meat !

Ying: Aiyoo ! I'm having headaches from you two fighting !

Gopal:Listen to your girlfriend !

Fang: *blush* SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND !!!

A.Tarung: SHUT UP ! this is going to be a long journey, pack your things and gather any remaining supplies !

Gopal: We'll be old when we get to Earth ! Huhuhu ! *dramatic*

Boboiboy: Let's go Yaya, we still have time to relax.

Yaya: Okey, I'll consider it as a date !

(I'm not really good with Boya)

The entire remaining troops of TAPOPS pack their stuff, getting ready for the long journey ahead of them. After a day of packing things, they finally left the old base that barely even stood properly due to being abandoned for years. All the spaceships are launched into sky leaving the planet that they stayed at for a long journey to planet Earth with only a few of the entire TAPOPS's fleet. Yet they did not know that they are being followed by a speceship not belonging to any of the allies that TAPOPS had. In the ship, a tall alien with light-blue skin and with dark red armour stood there watching his henchmen doing their own assigned duties in the ship. These aliens looked like miners judging by the pickaxes, explosives and special kargo containers.

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