New And Old Recruits

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Ali just returned from his date with Alicia which ended really good, even her Uncles are happy with him dating her. He still remembered it like it was yesterday even though it was a few hours ago, he blushed upon remembering what happened with him and Alicia.

Flashback On

Alilicia are done eating and the restaurant was already closing since it is already 8 in the evening they are chatting as the three R Uncles are cleaning and getting the restaurant ready for closing. While the three of the Indian men are working, one of them started a conversation .

Razman: Dey Rahul, you seem happy today. Why don't you share with us ?

Rajesh: Ah yes, you are usually the moody kind of man but now you're happy like a kid got a rare candy.

Rahul: Oh nothing, it's Icha. She seems happy with that Ali kid. Though I pity him 'cause he's got no family. I actually can't wait for their marriage ! Hehe.

Razman: Ayo, they are still kids eh, you are already thinking them marrying ? Though it's a good idea.

Rajesh: I agree, I think I will tell Rama to let them marry.

With Alilicia

Ali: hey Icha ?

Alicia: *blush* Uh-um yeah ?

Ali: I think I want to join MATA again, what do you think ?

Alicia: Really ? YEAH ! *jumps up and down*

Ali watched Alicia jump up and down like a 4 year-old got some candy for the first time. She stopped jumping when she noticed Ali being quiet and looking at her with a smile. She blushed in embarrassment of both Ali looking at her and her jumping like a little kid. Then the smile on his face fade away and formed a frown. She panicked when Ali frown all the sudden.

Alicia: What's wrong Ali ?

Ali: I'm not sure about the others like Rudy would be excited to see me. Well I did a lot of mistakes and I'm not like them, all strong and able to complete missions. Unlike me, failing at missions and caused trouble to you.

Alicia: Oh you dork. You may not be strong and tough physically but you have a good heart and willing to help others even it would cost you your life. That's what made me fall for you, you are good person.

Ali: Thanks Alicia *blush* I didn't know you thought about me that way.

Ali moved closer a bit to Alicia, he blushed harder. Alicia did the same and she blushed very hard. Slowly, slowly . . . . . . .


Both of their lips met as they both kissed each other. Their faces were so red that it can be compared to a fresh tomato from a garden. The three Uncles fanboyed upon seeing the two kissed at the lips. After a few seconds, they both pulled away blushing hard and are unable to utter a word properly.

Ali: I-um I- go n-nnow. B-bye ! *walks away* (what did I do !!?)

Alicia: Oh-su-re b-b-bye ! (we kissed on the lips ! Oh my god !)

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