The Ultimate Mission (Part 2)

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Ali, Alicia, Rudy, Iman, Bakar and Karya are now in the woods infront of the cave entrances where alot of Komeng's goons wearing armor supplied by Numeroz are patrolling near the cave. Some of them are moving large containers of Azurium and weapons never seen before.

Alicia: Out of all the caves we investigated, this cave entrance is the most heavily guarded.

Ali: Agree, look at the size of those Azurium chunks. They are big as boulders.

Rudy: Would you shut up ? If you join a mission, you'll fail it. Like before.

Iman: It's not nice saying that to him, your think your so tough ?

Bakar: Shush ! Don't argue !

Karya: Hmm, according to the General, this is the last cave that the intel stated so It's a higher possiblity to find Aaron's lab.

Bakar: I agree, we should attack head on. We secure it and two of us will investigate the cave, got it ?

All but Bakar: Got it !

They attacked with Bakar taking the lead, they only used their usual gadgets because they know Komeng's goons are weak cowards and they all got beaten with ease, Ali knocking our the last one with his arm-claw.

Bakar: Okey now since we got all this, Alicia and Iman will guard the Azurium and these guys while Ali and Rudy will investigate the left Tunnel while me and Rizwan will take the right. Understand ?

All but Bakar: Understood !

Ali and Rudy walked into one tunnel, Bakar and Karya took the left tunnel. Ali and Rudy walked along the passageway for a few minutes and once they reached the end, they saw something so outragious, Over 20 large, giant sized tubes containing what the plans of Numeroz to gain control not only Cyberaya but also the world. All of them are almost waking up, they look around and saw Komeng, Aaron and Abg Bear in armor suits, Komeng is rather taller than usual due to the armor and Abg Bear had the same armor but with changes to the right and left arm. One, a regular robotic arm and another is a rather large rectangular barreled cannon. He opened fire at the two agent who activaed their armor.

Aaron: Cover me ! We need to make sure these Beast awaken or Project Beast Machines is a fail !

Komeng: Looks like these guys passed my guys !

Aaron: I need to gather a bit more resources ! Hold on !

Abg Bear: Help Aaron ! I'll cover you two !

Abg Bear started to fire his large cannon at the agents but also avoiding to shoot the tubes so the new army is able to be utilised by Uno. Being fired upon, Ali and Rudy took out their blasters and shoot the enemies that are escaping after unsuccessfull hits, the enemy escaped and left the two agents in the large lair. The Beasts are slowly breaking the glass of the tubes and the liquid in them spilled to the floor.

Rudy: What the hell we're gonna do ? Let's go !

Ali: We can't do that, not without destroying this place !

Ali took out a super grenade that he made and throw it to a the most explosive item in the area, chunks of Azurium.

Rudy: Your gonna blow up the Azurium ?! That'll deactivate our weapons ! *pissed off*

Ali: Just stop complaining and run, I'll catch up later !

Rudy ran leaving Ali to set up the explosives, feeling bad about leaving the Tekno alone, he ran back to him only to collide with the said Tekno agent head on. They both hit eachother's head very hard.

Ali: What did I told you ? I said that I'll follow you !

Rudy: Well, if your lioness girlfriend ask, what am I gonna say ?!

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