The Begining Of Dimensional War

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Previously . . .

Bbb: Boboiboy Halilintar ! I'll end you !!!

Bbt: Boboibot Halilintar 2.0 ! Heh, bring it on !


Boboiboy and Boboibot took their stances and with the speed of lightning, they both clash on each other's thunderstorm blades. Even though Boboibot is very tough, he's still a robot and hasn't been improved since he was first built. Boboiboy has been improving himself for years and with a short time, his opponent is defeated.

Bbb: Heh, your just a machine. You can't improve yourself to become stronger. Just give up and you'll be useful.

Bbt: I'll never bow to organic beings ! Never !!!

Fang: Boboiboy, I'll handle him. You rest up.

Bbb: Okey. *walks away*

Fang used his shadow manipulation abilities to wrap a shadow cocoon around the cheap knock-off of Boboiboy sealing it for good and not giving it a chance to fight. Before he could seal it, Gopal decided to make sure it is defeated by changing it to food. It end up turning into a giant red-carrot dougnut. Fang had his eyes opened wide to see his favorite food right in front of him.

Fang: Red carrot doughnut ! Wow, this is huge ! Thanks Gopal ! *gobles the doughnut*

Gopal: Oi ! I want some too !

Ying: Haiya ! These two are the same, food lovers.

Yaya: Ignore them, let's help Boboiboy ! *fly towards bbb*

Ying: Heh, you like Boboiboy, don't you ? *smirk*

M.A.T.A Academy

All Academy students and Mentors are told to be at the lounge by Ali and Agent Dayang. They waited for the two genius Teknos and all of them are very excited all except one particular spiked headed Inviso boy. Which we all know who is that, Rudy the wild-human-hedgehog. He really hates Ali for an unknown reason since Ali entered the Academy, he thinks that Ali is a spoilt brat and should never be in MATA. 30 minutes had pass amd the two Teknos still haven't showed up.

Rudy: Ceh, where is Ali ? He told us to wait here but he isn't here. What a coward.

Iman: ehem ! *whispers* Remember our deal.

Rudy: O-key.

Moon: Whoa, Iman tamed the wild hedghog !

The the door opened, all of them turned their heads towards the sound hoping it's the Tekno that told them to wait for so long . . .

Alicia: Papa ? What are doing here ?

G.Rama: Agent Dayang informed me that everyone must be here and wait for her and Ali. Agent Fit, Andik, Surya, Nikki and Bobby. Are also needed to be here.

EA X BBB: Dimensional BreakoutWhere stories live. Discover now