Green Hood

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General Rama and The Cores are discussing about who would would be worthy to test the new Project: SATRIA. With Ali now gone, they are clueless on who would test it. Rama disagrees if his daughter is involved. It was a long and not-getting-anywhere until agent Gheeta came in and she looked panicked.

G.Rama: What's wrong Gheeta ?

Gheeta: One of our intel providers have discovered that Komeng and Abang Bear have robbed one of C-Tech trucks containing an experimental mech suit and experimental weapons created by former Dr.Ghazali.

Ganz: You mean . . . .

Dayang: Human Tank Suit ?

Gheeta: Yes ! And they are robbing other containers at Cyber-Harbour.

G.Rama: Alright, I'll send Bakar and his team.

Dayang: Technically Bakar is on a different team since, you know. Send Alicia, Khai, Moon and Iman.

G.Rama Affirmative !

With Khai, Moon, Iman and Alicia

The four are sitting in the lounge area doing nothing, well Alicia is. The other three are doing their own things. Moon and Iman are playing with Comot, since Ali died, Comot often switch homes. Mostly being with Alicia, Moon or Iman. Khai is checking R.O for any scratches caused by Comot.

Moon: I wonder when we'll have another mission ?

Iman: You suppose to be grateful, Moon.

Khai: Yeah, what she said. Now don't disturb me while I'm polishing R.O .

Moon: Whatever, let's play Comot !

Before Moon and Comot could leave to play, the speaker activated and started to make an annoucement.

Speaker: Attention Agent Alicia, Agent Moon, Agent Khai and Agent Iman, please report to the briefing room for a mission. Thank you.

Moon: Oh man !

Alicia: Come on and stop whining like a little kid. *drags Moon*

Khai and Iman followed her to the briefing room while watching Moon being dragged by her like she is some kind of old sack. Once arrive, they are greeted by General Rama who's grooming his moustache. The General then proceed to show a few holograms.

G.Rama: Komeng and Bear have recently robbed a C-Tech truck a few days ago, now they appear again to rob more containers than they usually do. Be extra careful in this mission.

Khai: Why ? Is there something they have ?

G.Rama: Indeed, the tech they stole are a set of dangerous, lethal experimental weapons and a robotic human sized suit. *shows holograms* You will start the mission at night time at the harbour.

 *shows holograms* You will start the mission at night time at the harbour

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