New And Improved Numeroz

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Previously . . .



The four agents entered the Azurium mine, Cyberaya's source of energy for almost everything in the super moden city. They walk slowly around the large machinery and trucks that are abandoned when they came earlier, probably due to the Numeroz being here and attacking the place to steal a bunch of Azurium.

Karya: I still can't believe Rizwan is with the enemy, he's like brother to me when we were young.

Bakar: I'll give him a beating after this ! He's too much.

Ali: I'm still sure Rizwan did it on a certain reason, he was still questioning about his mentor. Same what happened to me when I joined Nikki, I want to know the truth about my mom.

Alicia: I hope your right, otherwise you'll get a "beating" from me. You dork, my special dork.

Bakar: hey Karya, *whisper* you noticed something ?

Karya: *whisper* What ? Alilicia is a thing ? I knew since they entered the Academy.

Bakar: Oh okey. You are just as misterious as a shadow.

They walked for a few more minutes until they hear sounds of metal coliding with eachother. The agents then stealthily sneak to the direction of the noise and spotted the three people that they need to capture and bring them to justice entering a huge shack filled with Azurium. Trez, Dos and the traitor Rizwan. The intel is correct, they are here to rob Azurium for their unknown evil plans as they are bad guys. As planned, Bakar walked towards them casually like he's one of them while Karya silently tries to knock out Trez with his "magic sword" but it didn't go well when Rizwan noticed Karya and snapped his sword like it was s twig.

Karya: Oh man ! My sword.

Trez: Not so much if a magician are you ?

Bakar: *grabs Trez* Ali, Alicia ! Now !

Ali: Alright ! *throws gasing*

Alicia: Agent Karya, Dos is escaping ! *shooting blastique*

Karya: I'll handle Rizwan ! You two get her !

Alilicia: Right !

While Alilicia chased Dos, Karya and Bakar are dealing with Trez and Rizwan. They are almost winning without using their upgrades. Suddenly, Trez pushed Bakar to the side and pressed something on his belt, after pressing the hidden button on his belt, armor that is bulkier than than his buff body started to form around him. Slowly he is fully armored and ready to crush some agents. As the suit is ready, his right hand turns into a large hammer that could destroy anything.

 As the suit is ready, his right hand turns into a large hammer that could destroy anything

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Bakar: What the hell ?

Trez: Haha ! I'm gonna crush you , fatty !

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