Taking Out The Trash

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Previously . . .

?: You okey ?

Alicia: Tha-nks ! (no way ! Can it be ? Him ?)


Alicia: Ali, you-came back ! *hugs Ali*

Ali: How'd you know it was me ?

Alicia: I knew you survived that ! You can't die that easily !

Ali: Hehe, you have sharp eyes.

Komeng: I'm sorry to interrupt you're little reunion but you two will die right now ! *holds a grenade launcher* Now let's do this ! Bros ! Get them !

Suddenly a lot of helmet-wearing gangsters came each of holding rifle-blasters in their hands. Alicia hold out her blastique ready while Ali just stand like it was no big deal. He smirked making Komeng arched a brow in confussion, then Ali snap his left hand fingers. Before any of the gangsters could react, three hooded figures jumped down surprising the gangsters. One of the figures lassoed two gang members and throwed them to the containers, one with a larger body ran head on towards them and they all flew away by some kind of wave. The third one ran and threw punches and kicks as she wears exo-legs and exo-arms.

Komeng: Argh ! Get back with Bear !

Gangs: Yes boss ! Let's go !

The gang members and Komeng retreated and ran to Bear who is at the back near the container they were raiding earlier. Ali smiled as he handshaked the hooded figures, revealing that they are Nikki, Andik and Surya looking all too good and enjoying beating the biker gangs. Alicia only noticed Ali's right arm after he rolled his right arm sleeve.

Alicia: Ali, you're hand. *points "claw"*

Ali: Oh, I'll tell you later. Now where are the others ?

Alicia: They went separate ways to avoid being captured by Komeng.

Nikki: What are we waiting for ? Andik, Surya ! Find those guys, we need them to be safe and sound.

An,S: Hmm ! *nod*

Ali: Icha, you stay here with Nikki, I'll find Bear and Komeng.

Alicia: I want to help ! You already lost a hand !

Ali: I'm doing this for you, for M.A.T.A and for Cyberaya. I don't want anything happen to you.

Alicia: Bu-

Ali put his finger on her mouth to silent her as he went on leaving her with Nikki while he run head on towards the gangsters shooting their blasters at him. He gave a punch with his left and not using his right arm as he doesn't want to risk damaging his "claw". Punching rapidly with one arm is tiring as he never used his other arm, not wanting to damage it and accidentally killing the weak gang members with one hit. Komeng was ordering the gang member that is still trying open the same container with a crowbar idiotically but was pushed to the side by Bear who is very impatient and used the giant cannon on the suit he's in and blast the container open.

Bear: That's better. Now get those tech now !

? Hey Teddy Bear ! Come and fight me with that thing ! I doubt that you'll beat me in it !

Bear: Come here you little no good agent boy ! I'll blast you to bits !

Nikki: ALI ! You don'y have enough equipment ! You can't beat him ! That thing is almost invincible !

Ali: That's why I have this !

Ali's left arm armour started to shift their parts and they formed a medium sized Ion-Blaster with a large silinder barrel that's in-built to the armour he's wearing on his left arm. He's not going to a battle without proper equipment. If it wasn't for his less ideal right hand, he would have two of those Ion-Blasters.

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