The Ultimate Mission (Part 1)

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Previously ...

Aaron walked away and continue to finish what he started, the project that can destroy MATA and take over Cyberaya.


Uno came to Aaron to check on the new "Beast" that can give him an advantage towards his goals, destroy MATA and take over Cyberaya for the new Ultimate Master's grand plans. Before he left his room, his hologram communicator turned on and revealed three people, one of them is very unexpected if the other Numeroz saw him. Uno smirked and continue to speak with the three figures.

?: How's the progress on taking down MATA, I have spent nearly half of my money to fund this project and so-called plan to take over the world. I don't want MATA to know that I'm destroying them.

??: Don't worry Othman, we will succeed. All we need to do is wait, you all want to be the ultimate beings in the world, don't you ?

???: Of course, now I need to get the codes to MATA's security system. Since Ali died, I can't get anymore of the required info !

Uno: Don't worry Neonimus according to my henchemen, Ali is alive but his status is still not publically revealed yet.

Othman: Then what are we waiting for ? Release the "Beast" !

Uno: Heh, I'm more than happy to do that. Just the advantage I need to get rid of that boy and the agency.

Mamak Maju

Alilicia are on a date just like Ali promised. Alicia is happy as she can finally spend more time alone with her boyfriend or she loves to call "dork". Alicia knows that Ali sometimes can be a little childish or too dumb to know things like pickup lines or too straight forward answers when Ali asked a question. Which is like it happened yesterday.

Flashback a few days before

Alilicia were hanging out at the Academy lounge with the others but they are busy. So Ali decided to ask Alicia the meaning of the short forms of a few words that he really doesn't understand.

Ali: Hey Alicia, what does IDK, LY and TTYL means ?

Alicia: I don't know, love you, talk to you later.

Ali: *blush* O-okey, I'll just ask Khai.

Alicia: What ? I don't get it.

Ali: *still blushing* I'm gonna go, um bye !

Flashback end

Alicia: Hehe, your just cute when your clueless.

Ali: Who's cute ?

Alicia: Of course it's you dork ! The question you asked me a few days ago, I answered it but you misunderstood. Though I really meant what I said.

Ali: So it was really the answer ? I thought you don't know and said that you love me, haha I'm being stupid again.

After 2 minutes of waiting, the food they ordered has arrived and ready to be eaten. They enjoyed the date like they are the best couple in the world. Ali felt like he he's the best in the world, meeting Alicia wasn't a mistake at all ! His and her faces were close, very close. Their faces started to heat up due to blushing very hard, slowly Alilicia's faces get closer, closer and .....

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