Going For A Date

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Alicia is at her room looking at the device given by Ali yesterday after the mission. She tried to turn it on but had no idea how and she's been in her room for hours just to find out how to turn on the device. She was so focused on that device that she didn't notice that General Rama called her for the 10th time.

G.Rama: Alicia ! What are you doing in the room for 12 hours straight !? Get out now ! It's 12 in the morning now !

Alicia: Sorry ! I'm studying !!!

G.Rama: What are studying for so long !?

Alicia: Um, every subject ?

G.Rama: You are trying to hide something, aren't you ?

Alicia came out of the room to confront her father who has been rubbing his chin while eyeing Alicia for a good 5 minutes suspiciously. He had been watching her since a few weeks ago and now she is hiding things. Not to mention he discovered she kept a few of Ali's pictures and some of them have love stickers on them. Alicia who was standing there since five minutes ago, started to get nervous. Not the fact that his father is intimidating but if his father discovers her collection of Ali's pictures and inform his old gang, especially Rahul who is known for his spatula throwing abilities. She is not scared of her Uncle Rahul's spatula but was afraid he'll beat up Ali to a pulp with that spatula.

G.Rama: Alicia,

Alicia: Yes Papa ?

G.Rama: *exhale* Do you like Ali ?


G.Rama: Heh, I knew that long ago but why are you scared to admit it ?

Alicia: I'm afraid that you won't approve. That's why I kept it a secret.

G.Rama: Why would I want to disapprove you and Ali liking eachother ? He's a good kid. But he's no longer with us. *looks down*

Alicia: Actually, he's alive. met him during my mission yesterday. He's at the Outskirts but he wants his survival to be hidden for a while.

G.Rama: Really ? (Yess ! I still have a chance to have son-in-law !) That's good.

Alicia: Now I need help with this *takes out device*

G.Rama: Hmm, I think you can't turn it on is because of it doesn't have any charge left. See *attach device to charger cable*

Alicia felt stupid and dumb. She didn't thought about charging the device that's clearly just an old smartphone model and smiled sheepishly while looking away in embarrassment. General Rama just shakes his head seeing his step-daughter being silly for the very first time. He also wanted her to be happy and not see her crying all the time because of Ali's death. Though he really wanted to know what happened during the mission yesterday and how Ali survived the explosion that could kill anyone in it's radius. Alicia entered her room for bed, though she is gonna go for her date with Ali which is postponed because she can't inform Ali about the date that Ali is oblivious about. She's gonna surprise him. While thinking about what to tell her "Dork" she fell asleep while hugging a picture of Ali with a few love stickers on it.

Alicia: Good night my Dork.

Ali's situation

Ali is right now on top of the place where Nikki always hang out and he's sitting while fixing his "claw" and wondering what is Alicia doing at her house. While being distracted by his thoughts someone pounce on him making him alarmed he nearly punched the person but he stop before he destroys another face, especially that the person who pounced him was Nikki. He continued to fix his "claw" as Nikki sit beside him.

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