The End (Finale)

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Ali, Boboiboy and the remaining heroes are gathered up to discuss their plan to stop the villains from claiming the world as their's. Many strategies were scrapped, some don't have proper agreement. After hours of brain-hurting thinking, they formed the perfect plan. Ali decided that him and Boboiboy will inflitrate the main weapon activation chamber and the others will draw out the main guard attention away while they deactivate the super weapon.

Ali: So we need the fast, slick and stealthy ones be the stealth team where they'll enter the large base without them noticing.

Bbb: Then the strong ones will attack the main entrance of the base head on to draw out their attention.

Gopal: What about us that have great shooting skills ? We get to relax ?

Fang: No, you'll be our backup if anything happpens.

Alicia: So how will you two deactivate the super weapon ? It's most likely to be heavily guarded.

Ali: Don't worry, leave that to us.

Bbb: Now let's go befo-

Suddenly a the walls around them cracked at shaked very violently. The room's ceiling got blasted to pieces by multiple lasers and missiles shot from above by 20 airborne robots that is never seen by the heroes before.

Ali: Who attacked us ?!

Bbb: Look ! *points*

Two figures are floating next to the said robots. One is a tall lady holding a foldible fan and a boy who is holding a tablet both have smirks on their faces. Ali looked carefully at the two and noticed something with his eyes wide. Ali stepped back, he shooked his head violently.

Ali: No, nonono !

Alicia: Ali, what's wrong ?!

Ali: It can't be you !

?: Hahaha Ali, Ali. Being the dumb boy you are. It's me, Neonimus ! AKA Viktor ! Your bestfriend !

??: And you still haven't noticed me, Madam Khoo, also known as Miss Ong. Hello ! *sarcastic*

Bbb: You know these two ?!

Fang: I told you these guys can't be trusted ! They are backstabbing us !

Ali: I'm not ! I never knew that Viktor is Neonimus !

Alicia: This is getting more frustrating !

Viktor: Just surrender and there would be no harm inflicted on you all.

Ali: Why would you do this Viktor ?! WHY !?

Viktor: Me ? It's you that made my grandpa executed !

Alicia: Who is your grandpa ? We never killed anyone !

Viktor: Analogman is my grandpa ! He's just doing what's needed to be done !

Alicia: By attacking people and nearly killing hundreds of innocent lives !?

M.Khoo: Yes ! Our family has been involved in criminal activity since our first generation ! Now, let's bring you to our boss so we can get our pay.

Ali: Everyone, get rea- aargh !

Ali got shot by a one of the robots. The same thing happened to the others as all of them were knocked out from the hit. While all of them are uncounscience, the robots brought them to the base that they originally planned to attack. They all are put together on an opened area where all of the citizens of the world shall witness the execution conducted by Max The Ultimate Master who's origins is still unknown to them. Ali was the first to open his eyes.

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