Getting Some Replacements

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Nikki and Mak Yah were just finished with cleaning the dishes from the dinner they had with the people of the Outskirts of Cyberaya. Nikki rolled her wheelchair to the room where they found the boy. She went in and rolled next to the bed, looking at his bandaged body.

Nikki: When you're gonna wake up , Ali ?

The person named Ali flinched as he woke up by surprise to see Nikki beside his bed. He looked around and he reconized the room, the room where he first woke up after passing out by hitting the ground so hard during his mission years ago.

Nikki: You okey ?

Ali: Umm, yeah I'm fine. How did I get here ?

Nikki: Andik and Surya found you in the river nearby. You were REALLY not looking great.

Ali looked at his hand and legs. He wasn't really happy about loosing a hand. Nikki looked at him worryingly.

Nikki: Hey, you okey ? We found you with a missing hand.

Ali: That's fine, I lost my hand during my mission. It was painful.

Nikki: Can you walk ? Mak Yah will be glad to see you awake.

Ali: I think I can. *slowly get off bed*

Ali tried to walk and he was shaking at first but he managed. Nikki and him went outside to find Mak Yah who was sitting on her rocking chair reading a newspaper. Ali looked around, things have changed since his father and the other pioneers helped by giving donations.

Ali: Mak Yah ?

Mak Yah: Oh Ali, you're awake ! Do you need anything ? I can tell the boys to get you some water.

Ali: Thanks, I want to thank you for taking care of me.

Mak Yah: You're like my own grandson, I'm glad you're okey. Now tell me, what happened ?

Ali: I was on a mission, my last mission. Analogman wanted to blow Cyber-Bridge to pieces.

Nikki: And it blew up sending you flying, right ?

Ali: I think ? I'm not sure. I only remember saying I love y- I mean I only saw a white flash.

Mak Yah: Oh, who's the lucky girl ?

Nikki: Let me guess, the girl in the yellow agent suit, right ?

Ali: How did you know ? *blush*

Mak Yah: Hmm, you are fine except your right hand.

Ali looked at his now destroyed right hand suddenly, he got an idea. He went inside to find if Nikki's spare parts are still fine.
While he's inside Andik and Surya came to see Mak Yah and Nikki.

Andik: Nikki, is Ali awake yet ?

Nikki: You just missed him, he went inside to- I don't know.

Surya: He's awake !? Oh I'm so glad ! Anyways, I got his favorite Tempoyak Udang. *lifts plastic bag*

Andik: I hope that you're not planning to goble that up, don't you ? * smirk*

Surya: Oh no ! It's special for him. Besides, I'm full.

Ali out of nowhere: Did you say Tempoyak Udang !? Where ? I want it !!!

Andik: Aargh ! You were just inside ! When did you get here ?

Ali: Oh, I was searching for spare parts to make a new hand until I heard someone said Tempoyak Udang. So I come here.

Mak Yah: Now I think you should eat first, then you can find the things you need. Andik, Surya ? Take Ali to the table and help him with the food.

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