Strangers From Space

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Boboiboy and his gang are in the KEBENARAN spaceship officially owned by the idiotic captain, Papa Zola who is still singing his theme song that is litterally driving everyone on board crazy except Gopal who's fanatic about Papa Zola. Fang couldn't take it and yelled on top of his lungs due to hours of endless bad singing by the older superhero costume wearing man.

(those who watched Boboiboy season 1 will know this)

PapaZola: Lalalalala lalala lalalalala !

Fang: MAKE IT STOP !!!!

Ying: I agree ! Stop !

Gopal: Why ? This song is my favorite song next to my Amma's lulliby. Hm hm hm hm. *humming*

Fang: Oh, pleease ! I can't bare this torture anymore !

Bbb: What !?

Ying: He sai-

Bbb: WHAT !?

Yaya: Boboiboy, take of those headphones ! Your yelling like a cute idiot ! Oops ! *blush*

Boboiboy was oblivious on what is going on with Yaya while Ying and Fang are laughing at Yaya's blushing face. A few minutes of laughter, they finally reached their home planet. They all cheered happily as they can now return home and see their families after years not sseing them. But things are not going as expected .........

Mean while....

MATA Academy Medbay

Ali and Rudy are still in the med bay by Agent Dayang and Agent Geetha's order. They are now able to walk but not able to leave the med bay, they don't want to piss off the two most fearsome Tekno females aka Dayang and Geetha. This is the chance for Rudy to tell the truth about Iman to Ali as he can't bare with her psychopathic side.

Rudy: Hey Ali, you know something about Iman ?

Ali who was eating Tempoyak Udang given by Alicia stopped eating and looked at the hedgehog Inviso in a weird manner.

Ali: Know what ?

Rudy: The black eye thing.

Ali: Oh right, why ? I heard that you said something like psychopath. Or did I heard it wrong ?

Rudy: You heard right, she is umm how should I say this, she IS psychopath ! She beat me up that day with a freaking mug !

Ali: Ouch, that must have hurt

Rudy: Help me do something so she won't beat me up.

Ali: How should I know ?

Rudy: Tell her to stop, you're bestfriends with her, right ?

Ali: Yeah but I don't want to end up like you.

When the two are having a conversation, Alicia and Iman entered the room with a smile well for Iman, she has a creepy smile on her face. No one noticed this but Rudy, he is litterally screaming in his head when he saw Iman entered the room.

Iman: Hey, Ali. Hello my Little hedgehog". *psycho*

Ali: prfftt, "Little Hedgehog" !

Alicia: Heh, so weirder than "dork".

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