An Event That Haunts Forever

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In outerspace, a spaceship shaped like a Wau kite flew in moderate speed with no actual destination. The ship's captain, a man with a thick moustache and wears a superhero costume boringly pilots the ship while yawning.

?: Huargh ! Justice is bored ! When can we go back to Earth ?

??: Papa Zola, we are bannwd from Earth ! We are kicked out from our own home ! Hisk, we were kicked out. Hisk. *sobbing*

P.Z: Justice is sorry ! It's been four years since Justice saw Pipi and MamaZila, huhu !

Flashback On 4 years ago

Five Superheroes are chilling out at a choco stand while enjoying delicious beverages. One of them who's an Indian started to talk about it's greatness and deliciousness. The other one, an alien-human-look-alike with purple hair can only have his ears smocking indicating he's really angry and annoyed by the Indian boy who won't stop blabbering about the drink . Poor him, he can't have his drink in peace. Two other girls are chattering peacefully without any disturbance unlike the spike head boy. The last of the member, a teen that wore a orange cap with a lightning "B" loooked at his untouched drink as he is lost in mind.

?: Boboiboy, are you okey ?

Bbb: Oh Tok Aba, I'm still thinking about the Reta'kka event that's been bothering for a while.

Tok Aba: Don't worry Boboiboy, he won't come back. He's floating in space for eternity.

Bbb: Thanks, Tok.

Suddenly, the five heroes are ambushed by a group of armored soldiers. They seem to be humans armed with assault rifles and they have the word "FBI" printed on their vest. They were all surprised because why would humans are attacking them and more over a law enforcing unit that is only used by The United States. The heroes were about to use their powers to escape but when they activate them, nothing happen and for the FBI, they used tranquillizers to neutralize their target.

FBISoldier: GO ! GO, GO !!

Bbb: Ever. . . one ! Ru-r-un ! Arg. *gets tranquilized*

Tok Aba: What are you doing ! Do- ARGH !!!

A few hours later. . .

Bbb: Argh, that hurts. Where are we ?

?: Good question, Mister Boboiboy. You and your friends are at The United Nations World Court.

Bbb: Gopal, you okey ?

Gopal: I am, so are Fang, Ying Yaya.

Random person¹: FREAKS !!

Random person²: ALIENS, GET OUT OF HERE !!!

Random person³: BOO !!!

Bbb: What's all this !?

?: Hold your horses, I'm Othman or Dato' Othman. The one who will handle this case for the time being. Also as the judge.

Gopal: I've never did anything bad, I just stole a piece of candy from Boboiboy, that's all !!!

D.Othman: SILENCE !!! *smacks judge hammer-thingy*

Everyone: *silent*

We are here to discuss the crimes commited by the so called Superhero, Boboiboy.

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