Project Armored Humans and Project Beast Machines

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Previously . . .

??: I Will do as you say, just don't harm them !


In a cave that is covered with steel walls and tech in the inside where a woman with red short hair is working on a mega-computer typing important data for their new project. Then a man in a black suit and wore a helmet to cover his face came but his left bionic arm was destroyed and he stumbled as he walked to the woman.

?: Cinco, how is the progress on Project Beast Machines ?

The one called Cinco replied while holding a tablet on her left arm. She was still bruised on her left cheek after the "last stand".

Cinco: It is going well and I've discovered a new Project that can aid us in taking over Cyberaya and destroy MATA.

?: What's the new Project ?

Cinco: *tapping tablet* It was known as Project: SATRIA but they decided to change it into a less complicated project called Project: Armored Humans.

?: Proceed.

Cinco: Not much is known but it is a project to equip their agents with armor that protects most of the crucial body parts such as the chest, legs and the arms to the shoulders. These armor aren't just armor but they are pre-built with atleast one type of weapon. This is the best solution for us utilise to our advantage, especially you Uno.

Uno smirked behind his mask as he can plot the downfall of Cyberaya and MATA. To access those files, he needs a certain someone who knows the codings of MATA's security very well. Prof. Akram, the former Tekno agent of MATA. He then proceeds to walk into his room to rest before he gets his goons ready.

MATA, Briefing Room

Ali, Dayang and Ganz are discussing about a new project that was originally cancelled but Dayang decided to continue it with different name and different plans instead of the original. Dayang invited Ali to give his opinions and ideas as he was like Agent Aliya, smart and filled with ingenius ideas.

Ganz: So we change the whole project ?

Dayang: Yes Ganz, for the 5th time ! We are !

Ganz: I'm just making sure, I don't want this project to end up like Project IRIS.

Dayang: Anyways, let's continue, shall we ?

Ali: Yes, if we can adapt my armor with a few changes to the rest of the agents, it could be less risky. SATRIA and IRIS are exactly the same and trying to utilise this on every agent would be risky because the enemies out there would able to hack into SATRIA and the whole IRIS NEO event might happen again but 10 times more brutal.

Dayang: Hmm, you are right. The last thing we need is a bunch of uncontrolable human computers running around the world destroying countries in mere seconds.

Ganz: So what's the difference of Project: Armored Human contains ?

Ali: It's just armor with weapons instead of computer A.I super agents.

Dayang: That's good, for now you can leave.

Ali: Thank you. *salute*

Ali left the room where the Chief Pillars's holograms appear and discuss about important matters. He walked to the Tekno room to work on a few mini-projects to go with the Main Project and he wants it to be surprise so that the others won't know and try to take a peek at his work. He entered the room and looked around to make sure Khai and Bulat aren't there so he can work peacefully without any fuss especially from Moon who keeps bugging him and most likely every other young agent except Iman since they are both BFF's. He opened the tablet-computer to see all the agents that he knew and study their strengths and weakneses.

Ali: Hmm the General is a Neuro but he doesn't have a range weapon like the other Neuros. I wonder if I could add some special customizations.

?: Ali, what are you doing here ?

Ali: I'm ju- AAAH ! Oh Agent Geetha, I thought you were Moon.

Geetha: So what are you doing ?

Ali: Well, you know that Agent Dayang is working on a new project, right ?

Geetha: Um yes, every Tekno is aware about the new project. What about it ?

Ali: I'm just getting some improvements for the other agents but I want it to be a surprise and I really need peace and quiet.

Geetha: Okey, I'll tell the others not to bother you. *looks at tablet* Oh no ! i'm gonna be late ! See you when your done ! *rush while carrying a bunch of boxes*

Ali: Ah, finally peace and qui-

Suddenly the door to the Tekno lab is opened again by someone else and Ali was about to yell in frustrstion when he saw the person, it was Alicia carrying Comot who Ali hadn't see for quiet a while, it calmed him a bit.

Alicia: Hey, what's my Dork doing ?

Comot: Meow ! (finally, Ali !)

Ali: Hey Icha, I'm working on something that can help the other agents.

Alicia: Great, so who's you working on ?

Ali: Your father's umbrella-mace *rubs Comot's fur*

Alicia: Why ? Is there something you wanna do with it ?

Ali: *smirk* I'm going to upgrade it and the rest of the other gadgets.

Alicia: Okey, if it is a surprise, we are going to do some training, come Comot.

Comot hopped off Ali and followed Alicia to the simulation room. Before Alicia left the room, she glanced back at Ali and blushed when Ali gave her a flying kiss. The flustered Neuro then walked faster with Comot behind her. Unknown to them, two invisos are watching the sweet moment of Alilicia while one of them is fangirling and the other one who is tall and wears headphones just facepalmed seeing his girlfriend.

?:(she is so childish) Hey Moon, let's go on our own date. *use hand gestures*

Moon: I can't understand you Zass.

Zass: *writes on a piece of paper* =Let's go on a date

Moon: Aww ! Okey !

The two Invisos went to go on their own date while Moon is being the chattery young agent she is, starts to talk about what she likes and stuff while Zass can only nod her every statement.

Uno is planning the ultimate downfall of Cyberaya and has made a new project called Project: Beast Machines. What is this new project ? Will MATA is able to prevent it ?

Stay tuned !!!

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Mad Mech out !!!

Peace !✌

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