Where Is He ?

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Dayang, Ganz, General Rama, Bakar and Alicia are discussing about Ali's "death". Alicia looked very gloomy since Ali's sacrifice during the mission, causing the bridge to be damaged.

Dayang: Any signs of the body ?

G.Rama: It's been 2 weeks since the mission and since we started the search op. We haven't recovered his body.

Ganz: How about Dr.Ghazali ? Is he informed about Ali missing or death ?

Bakar: Well, I got the news from his personal doctor, he said that my brother-in-law is already deceased 2 hours before the mission started. *looking down*

Dayang: What about any remains of his agent suit ? Or other things ?

G.Rama: The only objects we recovered are fragments of his suit, a few drops of blood and a shattered bone piece.

Ganz: Hmm, I think we should inform the truth to all agents. It is a wise choice.

G.Rama: Alright, I will inform all agents after this meeting. *salute*

The two holograms close once the meeting is over, Alicia who was silent the whole time left the room immediately with tears running down her cheeks. Bakar left the room afterwards to head to the cafeteria not to eat but just his usual thing to do when he's upset. Alicia was running through the hallways until she stumbled upon three figures that are always together as they are close friends .

Iman: Alicia, what's wrong ?

Moon: Where's Ali ? Isn't he's always with you ?

Khai: Wait, why are you crying ?

Alicia hugged Iman and Moon and cried in their shoulders. The three were very surprise to see the Daughter of General Rama crying infront of them.

Iman: What's wrong !?

Alicia: It's *sob* Ali ! *sob* He's gone ! *crying louder*

Moon: He's gone ? Where ?

Khai: He's d-d-dead !?

Alicia just gave a small nod while still crying in Iman's arms. They all didn't believe the rumours but the rumours are true, Ali Ghazali is now gone forever and they couldn't spend their time together. Alicia told what Ali said before he's gone, making Khai felt symphathy for her. An hour later agent Gheeta called all Academy students to the briefing room, including the three and Alicia.

G.Rama: As you may have heard some rumours about one of your fellow young agent friends.

Roza: About Ali ?

G.Rama: Yes I-

Rudy: If it's about him getting kicked out, I'm more than happy to hear this.

Chris: Hey the General is talking !

G.Rama: Well, that's what I am wbout to inform you, rather two bad news. Ther first, Dr.Ghazali has been confirmed dead two weeks ago and Ali . . . . .

Rudy: Get's kicked out ?

Alicia: DEAD ! F##KING DEAD !!!

Roza: What do you mean he's dead ? Don't kid around !

Bulat: Yeah ! He's a great agent ! He can beat me in seconds.

G.Rama: It is true, Ali Ghazali is confirmed deceased but his body is missing and we haven't recovered it until now.


Rudy: I want him to leave M.A.T.A but I don't want him to leave dead ! I'm not that cruel !

Moon: Oh yeah ? You were mad because you thought that Ali's the reason for Uno's death !?

Rudy: So what !? He got recruited because of IRIS ! Only that !

Alicia: You don't know anything about him, his mother was the inventor of IRIS and the strongest agent ! Almost as good as the Chief Pillars !

Khai: Wait, really !? Whoa !

Rudy: So what about him ? He can barely stand with one foot. He's nothing like whoever his mother was.

Alicia: Heh, take a look at this *press a button*

A video of G.Rama, Alicia's three uncles and Rizwan were defeated by agent Aliya with one hit. Knocking them out cold. G.Rama who saw the video covered his faced as he is embarrased being beaten by a female. The other students watched in amazement.

Alicia: What do you want to say now ?

Rudy: Ceh *leaves the room*

Moon: That's awesome ! I never knew Ali's mom was a super agent !

Iman: Agree.

They all watched more of the videos that they can find and watch them all with amazement. G.Rama left the room to do something else as his pride is stained by Aliya's potential.

While elsewhere

A boy who layed unconscience on a bed was being treated by an old woman. The woman looked sympathically as the boy was covered by a lot of bandages and his right hand is nearly destroyed completely. She tried to the best she can to treat the severely injured boy. Then a younger woman with an afro hairstyle and sits on a wheelchair came in.

?: Mak Yah ? Is he alright ?

Mak Yah: He's still not awake but his wounds are treated. You know Nikki, if it weren't for him, you and the rest of the rebels won't be here.

Nikki: I know, now I realised what I did was wrong. I hope he'll be fine, Andik and Surya was shocked to find him in the river nearby.

Mak Yah: There there, let's just hope that he'll be fine. Now let's get everyone ready for dinner. I made some soup. He'll wake up soon.

Nikki: Surya better not eat everything like last time.

A/n: I'm not sure if Surya is the fat one or the mohawk hairstyle. Need some confirmation.

Then two left the boy alone in the bed, without them realising the boy is already awake but kept his eyes shut. He heard everything and find their voices familiar. He was also too tired to move so he tried to get back to sleep. He tried to remember what happened before he passed out but he only remembered saying a few words to a girl before everything flashed white and he is now here in a room where he found familiar voices. Not to mention he can't feel his right hand.

Boy: How did I get here ? I'm not getting anywhere I guess.

The boy kept wondering about how he ended up here, where ever that is until he fell asleep. He was sound asleep on the bed that he finds very comfy and soft like his own bed.

Boy: I wish I could be with you, Alicia.

Ali's body is missing and Alicia is crying her eyes out. Will there be a chance Ali to be alive ?

Stay tuned !

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Mad Mech out !


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