Chapter 5

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Skeppy POV
My room looked the same as I remembered. The computer set up by the corner, the crib against the left wall, my bed still messy as ever. With a laugh, I hopped onto the plush surface. I hadn't had such a nice bed in so long. None of the beds I slept on in the future had pillows. They were all rough and stiff, with a blanket so thin, you might as well have slept without it.

Suddenly I heard a knock from the window. I live on the 2nd floor.

"What the-"

My body tensed up, the uneasiness from earlier returned. I began reaching for a lamp, anything I can use for a weapon. It was an instinct at this point. In the future, anyone could be a threat. Suddenly, I heard the gentle strumming of a calming melody outside. A guitar. The tune seemed so foreign, yet oddly familiar. The more I listened, the calmer I became.

Jumping up, I headed to the window. It was almost as if the music was coaxing me, captivating me to approach it. Peering out the glass, I saw a brunette man holding a guitar. He was tall, like really tall. How he maintained his balanced on the roof was unbeknownst to me. His eyes seemed to light up when he saw me, and he began knocking on the glass again. After some hesitation, I opened it. For some reason, I felt like he could be trusted.

The moment I opened, he hopped in and grabbed my shoulders. I let out a little yelp.

"Skeppy! I know I probably sound crazy, but I'm from the-" he began.

"Future?" I asked, "I am too!"

A wave of relief washed over his face.

"That's good, you must know what's going to happen then," he said, "the apocalypse?

I nodded solemnly, "It shouldn't be for another 2 months."

He did a shark intake of breath. Setting his guitar aside, he shot me a serious look.

"I'm afraid the past has changed."

I opened my mouth to speak, but just then, my phone let out a loud shrill. A call from Bad. I looked over at him, he shook his head.

"Answer it later, I have a lot to tell you, and you should know as soon as possible." the man said.

"Wait, I don't even know your name?!"

That was true. I didn't recognize him at all. Even from my blurred memories. And he somehow knew my name.

He froze for a second, a flash of pain went through his face, only for a moment,

"My name, is Wilbur."

Bad's POV:
I had already been pacing the room for the last 15 minutes. My veins finally stopped glowing a while ago. After calming myself down, I decided to call Skeppy.


No answer. That's very unskeppylike. Maybe he's just busy. I thought about calling again, but I didn't want to seem clingy.

With a sigh, I decided to phone A6d. He picked up at the 2nd ring.

"What's up," he said, he sounded busy. Perhaps I should wait until next time?

"Can you drive over," I asked, "It's really really important."

I didn't know if he could tell, but my voice was noticeably shaken. For a moment, there was a pause.

"Why? What happened? Is everything okay?" He sounded worried.

"Just come over, please." I said to him. I heard some shuffling then the clinking sound of keys. Thank goodness.

"Should I call Skeppy and Dream?" He asked.

"Call Dream, Skeppy is busy," I said, "make sure to drive over, theres bad people out right now."

"Alright," he said before hanging up.

I sigh deeply. Looking outside, the moon was glowing vibrantly in the unnatural red sky. It looked ominous, unsettling. What if I hadn't escaped the man earlier, would I have died? What was that speed from earlier? And that orange mark. Why did I fear it so much? I have never seen it before, at least I don't think so. Those questions left a heavy feeling in my chest. A feeling as if I was in danger.

Character Profile: WilburSoot
Status: Project
Alignment: ???
Ability: Instrument Feel (He can manipulate emotions with music)
Threat level: 5/10

Note: Wilbur is the unknown person's pov from Chapter 3

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