Chapter 34

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Bad's POV
Tommy was far more energetic than us, seeming to hop multiple steps at once. He kept looking back, making sure we hadn't fallen down the stairs. To his delight, we didn't.

"Wait!!!" Skeppy called, stumbling as he did. I rushed to catch him. Instead, he tripped over, falling atop me instead.

"Are you okay?" I asked, scrambling to get up. He nodded, with a little, "ow."

On the top step, Tommy seemed to have stopped in place. He was looking to the next room, shocked.

"Wilbur! Deo!" He yelled suddenly, rushing over. Upon hearing those names, Skeppy seemed to perk up. He dashed after Tommy, almost desperately. I quickly bumbled after them.

Opening my mouth, I attempted to shout, but instead, felt a rush of heat go through me. A bit of nausea settled in. Biting my lips, I pushed down my worries, and continued running.

Skeppy's POV:
The name 'Deo' rang in my head. A flash of memories surged through me. I could just vaguely remember him approaching me, offering to send me back. I had accepted on terms I couldn't seem to recall. The memories were blurry.

Upon pulling to the next floor, I saw Wilbur there as well. He looked incredibly conflicted. Perhaps he also asked Deo questions?

Deo spun around at Tommy's call. He was wearing a pair of shades, indicating he was blind.

Must've been because of my time travel...

"Tommy? You broke out?" He asked, although, it sounded more like an "already?" than a "how'd you do it?"

"Yeah I did!" Tommy boasted in response. He then deflated a little.

"Well...Techno saved me..."

"You're Deo, right?!" I piped up suddenly. He turned to my general direction.

"Skeppy? Wilbur and I were just talki-"

Wilbur said nothing, just elbowed him sharply. His expression was ambiguous. I flashed a curious look, before just speaking,

"You sent me back here!" I exclaimed. I had a million questions and not enough time to ask them.

"Not me exactly. Other timeline Deo did," he replied matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes.

"Same thing!"

I opened my mouth to ask a question, but Wilbur interjected.

"How'd you guys get past the last floor?" He asked, almost hastily. Tommy was quick to answer.

"Techno said he's taking them on."

Wilbur seemed to pale at that response.

"By himself? Are you sure he'll be fi-"

He was interrupted by a curdling scream and the distinct pounding of someone running away. It was clearly not Techno.

"I think he's alright," I responded, raising a brow, "pretty sure he's destroying them."

Suddenly, Tommy flashed a suspicious look.

"Hey Wilbur, why weren't you in a cell?" He asked. Wilbur seemed to tense up at his question. He opened his mouth to speak, when-


The door slammed opened. A lone guard stumbled in, bloodied and battered. He began crawling away from the opening, rasping breathy words as he did. An axe was plunged into his back. Eventually, he collapsed, lifeless.

Behind him, more guards began coming in, moving frantically. They completely ignored us, attempting to rush past to the next floor instead.

"Were you guys really having a conversation while I risked my life?" A dry voice rang. I felt a chill at those words, turning to the doorway.

There stood Techno, completely drenched in red, holding a blade in one hand, and launcher in another.

Pushing us aside, he suddenly shot a bomb toward the retreating the guards, blowing them away from the exit. It blasted a large hole in the wall.

"Get a move on!" He yelled.

Bewildered, we all complied, rushing to leave. Only, Tommy looked mortified.

"You're bleeding all over-" He began, reaching out to the other. Techno flinched for a second, moving away from the blonde.

"I'll be fine," he muttered in response. Suddenly, he winced in pain, a cough of blood came out.

Tommy's eyes went comically wide.

"Techno! You-"

Techno turned to me, flashing a look that screamed, Take him away.

I bit my lips. Sorry Tommy...

Running back, I grabbed the kid, pulling him to the stairway. He attempted to resist for a moment, never once tearing his eyes from the battle. After minutes of struggle, he eventually caved in, going limp and compliant.

Upon getting to the steps, we all began racing up, desperately getting away from the bloodbath beneath us.

Tommy's  POV:
For the next few minutes, I couldn't seem to stop thinking about Techno. He's going to be okay...right? Technoblade doesn't die. He'll be okay. I'm sure. There's nothing I'm better at than being sure. But then again, I've been wrong before.

Clenching my fist, I pushed down my negative thoughts, and moved forward with a broken smile on my face.

>Time Skip

From inside the stairwell, the only thing on the menu was exhaustion. Skeppy seemed to have groaned a hundred times in the last 10 minutes. Understandably. He did climb 35 floors already.

From beside me, I noticed Bad stumbling, before being caught by Wilbur.

"You alright?" He asked, flashing a look of concern. Bad just nodded, although, his expression proved he was anything but okay. Wilbur offered him a hand of support, which he took.

From behind, Skeppy seemed to be glaring daggers at the pair. A petty jealousy was radiating off of him. I found myself snickering in amusement.

In front of me, was Deo. He just walked silently and quickly. Really quickly for a blind man.

I actually didn't know he was blind. Or that he knew Skeppy. And I still wanted to know what he and Wilbur spoke about. Although, nows not a good time. Maybe later.

As we pulled to the 36th floor, Bad suddenly hunched over. Wilbur caught him just before he collapsed.

His breath was incredibly jagged, face blazing red.

"Bad!" Skeppy yelled, rushing to the other's side. Bad just grunted in response, turning away from him. He desperately tried to get back up, but couldn't seem to move.

Skeppy approached, before pressing a hand to his forehead.

"Ouch!" He gasped, blowing at his fingers, "you're scorchin-"

Suddenly, Skeppy's eyes widened in horror. He staggered backwards, away from Bad.

"No. No. No. Don't do this." Skeppy began whispering.

"What? What's going on?" I asked, turning to him. He just shook his head, getting up as he did. He began pacing the room frantically.

"No! Not you... Anyone but you!" He shouted, tears beginning to form.

Turning to Deo and Wilbur, I noticed the grave looks on their faces.

"What is it?" I asked desperately, glancing to the pair. Deo just looked off in the distance, biting his lip as he did. I turned to Wilbur expectantly.

He winced in guilt and sadness.

"Virus. Version 8."

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