Chapter 18

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Third Person's POV
"Sir? The bomb has been dropped on location B," a young guard said. The guard was only 15 years old, and yet, was incredibly dedicated to his duties. He proudly wore his orange crest. He turned to his boss, who was peering out into the city through a large glass. In his hand, was a cigar.

"Excellent work, Grunk." The guard glowed at the praise, "I take it that damages were made?"

"Unfortunately, only one was affected, sir," Grunk responded.

His boss's face made it evident that it didn't matter much. As long as someone was infected, his plan would come to fruition.

Grunk shifted on his feet, he had many questions regarding this attack. He trusted his boss, the great CEO, Schlatt himself, but he just couldn't understand the motive behind this. Mustering the courage, he asked,

"Sir? If you don't mind me asking, what was the point of this? We hardly got anyone and lost the element of surprise!"

Shockingly, Schlatt just chuckled in amusement. He turned around, facing the younger man. His eyes were dark with an ominous aura. He lightly tapped his cigar on a nearby ashtray. It was solid gold.

"Grunk, relax. If my calculations are correct, the outlaws are already preparing for our invasion. They should be getting ready for battle right now. But, at the same time, they need medicine to save their friend. Do you know what this means?"

Grunk thought for a bit, before asking nervously, "we divide and conquer?"

Schlatt smiled proudly, "Exactly. We divide and conquer. Not bad, kid."

Grunk felt his soul leave his body. A direct compliment? From Schlatt himself? He felt a flush of pride.

"Now, run along. I need to review some plans," the CEO said, turning away from the young man.

Grunk nodded before leaving the room. Schlatt waited a couple moments. After making sure the premise was clear, he began to cackle like a madman. His laughter echoed hauntingly in the room. Then, he glared up at the sky.

"You really thought sending me back could stop me...and yet, I'm doing better than ever," he gritted. He then grounded his cigar on the ashtray, dousing it completely.

"I hope you rot, Deo."

Skeppy POV:
The light bumps of the road seemed to make the trip all the more solemn. It was like that school day all over again. Only, we were going to death. After careful deliberation, Bad, Wilbur, and I decided to go to the facility, alone. Bad for the speed, Wilbur and I because we were more familiar with the layout. Us three wouldn't be able to heist a lot of medicine, but we just needed some to save Mega. A handful would be enough.

The others were staying behind to defend our base. Spifey had wanted to join us, but his ability was essential for defense, so he was forced to stay. Tommy wanted to come as well, however, it was much too dangerous for a nonproject. In truth, it was too dangerous for us as well.

"So...this is exciting, isn't it?" I asked, attempting to lighten the mood. Wilbur ignored me and continued to drive, but Bad gave a weak smile in response.

"Well, I think it's just delightful!" A voice called from the back. Startled, we all whipped around, facing the noise. Tommy had followed us without our attention.

"Tommy! What are you doing here!?" Wilbur asked, he sounded very angry. He pulled the car to an abrupt stop. Tommy tried to give a sheepish grin, but our faces made him drop it.

With a sigh, he said in a desperate tone, "I know you all told me to stay back!! But I really wanted to hel-"

"No Tommy!" Wilbur snarled, "you're not coming!"

Tommy's face morphed into annoyance.

"Well, I'm already on the car, so..."

"Then we'll turn around!"



I was startled by Wilbur's sudden outburst. From Tommy's expression, he was too. Sensing the tension, Bad intervened.

"This isn't a normal mission." He said sadly, "and the truth is, theres no guarantee any of us here will even make it back. That's why we need you to return to camp. It's safer there."

The way he said those last words were so tender, it was as if he didn't just say we were all likely going to die.

Tommy fell silent at those words. He began to get teary.

"I just wanted..."

Bad smiled warmly, "I know you did. But please. Please understand. I know I'm speaking for Wilbur as well. This isn't the place for you to be."

Tommy's brows furrowed. His eyes held an inexplicable sadness. Finally, he nodded reluctantly.

"I-I understan-"

Suddenly, the car began to rattle, teetering rapidly. It was as if it were being forcefully pulled.

"What's going on?!" I shouted, not realizing I was yelling against the sound of piercing rings.

We all looked around frantically, Wilbur tried to start up the car, but it refused to cooperate. Just then, Bad glanced out the window, his eyes widened in horror.


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